Employees are reminded that they may have patients/carers who require communication in an alternative format e.g. other languages or signing. Additionally, some patients/carers may have difficulties with written material. At all times, communication and material should be in the patient’s/carer’s preferred format. This may also apply to patients with learning difficulties.
In some circumstances there may be religious and/or cultural issues which may impact on clinical guidelines e.g. choice of gender of health care professional. Consideration should be given to these issues when treating/examining patients.
Some patients may have a physical disability or impairment that makes it difficult for them to be treated/examined as set out for a particular procedure requiring adaptations to be made.
Patients’ sexual orientation may or may not be relevant to the implementation of this guideline, however, non-sexuality specific language should be used when asking patients about their sexual history. Where sexual orientation may be relevant, tailored advice and information may be given.
This guideline has been impact assessed using the NHS Ayrshire and Arran Equality Impact Assessment Tool Kit. No additional equality & diversity issues were identified.