Abbreviations used in these guidelines and pathways


ABPI - ankle brachial pressure index

ACBS - Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances

ACP - anticipatory care plan

AD - active directory

AND - Associate Nurse Director

ANP - advanced nurse practitioner

ANSG - Area Nutritional Steering Group

ANTT - aseptic non touch technique

APC - Adult Protection Committee

APHA - Animal and Plant Health Authority

APR - adult protection referral

ASP - adult support and protection

AUCS - Ayrshire Urgent Care Service

AVPU - alert, voice, pain, unresponsive

AWI - adult with incapacity


BBD - best before date

BBV - blood borne virus

BCG - bacillus Calmette Guerin

BIK - bladder infusion kit

BMS - biomedical scientist

BMT - bone marrow transpant

BPAS - British Pregnancy Advisory Service 


C/A/P - chest/abdomen/pelvis

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health

CAUTI - catheter associated urinary tract infection 

CCN - Community Children's Nursing

CDSN - community diabetes specialist nurse

CE - Cauda Equina

CEA - carcino embryonic antigen

CECT - contrast-enhanced computer tomography

CEDs - Community Eating Disorders

CEN - children with exceptional needs

CFU - colony forming units

CHI - community health index

CIS - carcinoma in situ

CLL - chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

CML - chronic myeloid leukaemia

CMV - cytomegalovirus

CNS - clinical nurse specialist

COSHH - control of substances hazardous to health

CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure

CPO - child protection order

CRC - colorectal cancer

CRM - cardiac rhythm management device

CRO - Call Recall Office

CRP - C-reactive protein

CRT-D - cardiac resynchronisation therapy with defibrillator

CSU - catheter specimen of urine

CT - computed tomography

CVA - cerebrovascular accident

CVAD - central venous access device

CVC - central venous catheter

CXR - chest x-ray

CYAPDM - Children and Young People’s Acute Deterioration Management Plan



DBI - distress brief intervention

DISN - diabetes in-patient specialist nurse

DNACPR - do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation

DOAC - direct oral anticoagulant

DRE - digital rectal exam

DSN - diabetes specialist nurse

DVT - deep vein thrombosis


EBM - expressed breast milk

EDD - expected date of delivery

EDT - electronic document transfer

EDWAR - eating and drinking with acknowledged risk

EPO - erythropetin

EPUAP - European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

ESMHP - Emergency Services Mental Health Pathway


F2F - face to face

FBC - full blood count

FGM - female genital mutilation

FIB - fascia iliaca block

FICM - Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine

FM - forced marriage

FNC - Flow Navigation Centre 

FURS - flexible ureterorenoscopy


GBV - gender based violence

GDP - general dental practitioner

GUM - genitourinary medicine


HCPC - Health and Care Professional Council

HCSW - healthcare support worker

HEPMA - Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration 

HLA - human leukocyte antigen

HME - heat and moisture exchange systems

HPT - Health Protection Team

HRIG - human rabies immunoglobulin

HRT - hormone replacement therapy

HTC - Hospitals Transfusion Committee

HTT - Hospital Transfusion Team

HUS - haemolytic uraemic syndrome


IAF - integrated assessment framework

IAT - indirect antiglobulin test

IBD - inflammatory bowel disease

IBS - irritable bowel syndrome

ICD - implantable cardiac defibrillator

ICPNT - Intensive Community Psychiatric Nurse Team

ICS - Intensive Care Society

IDDSI - International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative

IHC - inHealthcare

INR - international normalised ratio

IRD - Interagency Referral Discussion

IR(ME)R - Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations

ISC - intermittent self-catheterisation

ISD - intermittent self dilitation

ITU - Intensive Therapy Unit

IUCD - intrauterine contraceptive device

IUT - intrauterine transfusion


JPAC - The Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee


KIS - key information summary


LAAC - looked after and accommodated children

LARC - long-acting, reversible methods of contraception

LDH - lactate dehydrogenase

LFT - liver function test

LIMS - laboratory information system

LSI - large scale investigation


MARAC - multi-agency risk assessment conference

MBS - modified barium swallow

MCCD - medical certification of cause of death

MDS - myelodysplastic syndrome

MDT - multi-disciplinary team

MI - myocardial infarction

MIBC - muscle invasive bladder cancer

MOPA - management of preoperative anaemia

MPD - myeloproliferative disorders

MPPP - Modernising Patient Pathway Process

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging

MRSA - methicillin resistant staph aureus

MSBOS - maximum surgical blood ordering schedule

MSC - musculoskeletal

MSU - mid-stream specimen of urine

MTOP - medical termination of pregnancy

MUST - malnutrition universal screening tool

MVA - manual vaccuum aspiration


NAAT - nucleic acid amplification test

NATVNS - National Association of Tissue Viability Nurses

NBM - nil by mouth

NFD - needle free device

NFOD - Non-fatal overdose pathway

NG - nasogastric

NGT - nasogastric tube

NICE - National Institute for Clinical Excellence

NIRC - nutritional intake record chart

NMAHP - Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Professions 

NMC - Nursing and Midwifery Council

NNP - Nutrition Nurse Practitioner

NNU - neonatal unit

NOACs - non-Vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants

NOF - neck of femur

NPSA - National Patient Safety Agency

NPT - near patient testing

NSAIDs- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NST - Nutrition Support Team


OHRA - oral health risk assessment

OMFS - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ONS - oral nutritional supplements

OT - occupational therapist

OTC - over the counter


PBM - patient blood management

PC - prostate cancer

PDSA - Plan-Do-Study-Act

PDSN - paediatric diabetes specialist nurse

PE - pharyngo-esophageal

PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

PEP - psychiatric emergency plan

PEP - post-exposure prophylaxis

PGD - patient guided directive/patient group direction

PIC - posterior iliac prominence

PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter

PIPP - Preoperative Information Patient Programme

PMS - Patient Management System

PN - partner notification

POA - power of attorney

PPURA - Preliminary Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Tool

PrEP - pre-exposure prophylaxis

PSA - prostate-specific antigen

PSD - patient specific direction

PT - physiotherapist

PTFE - Polytetrafluorethylene 

PVC - polyvinyl chloride

PVC - peripheral venous cannula



QI - quality improvement


RAC - Rapid Assessment and Care

RBC - red blood cell

RCOG - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

RCSLT - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

RD - registered dietitian

REAL - radiology event and learning

ReSPECT - Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment

RIG - radiologically inserted gastrostomy

RMI - risk of malignancy index

RMO - resident medical officer

RUUM - Rarely used and urgent medicines


SACT - systemic anti-cancer therapy

SAER - significant adverse event review

SAS - Staff and Associate Specialist

SBAR - situation background assessment recommendation

SCCRS - Scottish Cervical Call-Recall System

SCID - severe combined immunodeficiency

SCN - Senior Charge Nurse

SCN - stoma care nurse specialist

SH - sexual health

SICPS - standard infection control precautions

SIGN- Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network

SLL - small lymphocytic lymphoma

SLT - speech & language therapist

SNBTS - Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service

SSKIN - surface, skin inspection, keep moving, incontinence and nutrition

STF - slips, trips and falls

STI - sexually transmitted infection

SVR - surgical voice restoration

SW - support worker

SWAAG - Scottish Wound Assessment and Action Guide

SWHHMR - Scottish Woman Hand Held Maternity Record


TaGvHD - transfusion associated graft versus host disease

TEC - technology enabled care

TEP - treatment escalation plan

TIA - transient ischaemic attack

TL - team lead

TOF/TOP - tracheo-oesophageal fistula/puncture

TOP - termination of pregnancy

TPN - total parenteral nutrition

TRUS - transrectal ultrasound scan

TSAT - transferrin saturation

TTP - thrombocytopenic purpura

TURBT - transurethral resection of bladder tumour

TVN - Tissue Viability Nurse

TVUS - transvaginal pelvic ultrasound scan


U&E - urea & electrolyte

UCS - urgent cancer suspected

USC - urgent suspected cancer

USS - ultrasound scan

UTI - urinary tract infection


vCJD - variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

VFS - videofluoroscopic study of swallowing

VTEC - verotoxigenic E. coli


WBC - white blood cell

WE - Wernicke’s encephalopathy

WFS - Workforce Solutions

WHU - Women's Health Unit