C/A/P - chest/abdomen/pelvis
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health
CAUTI - catheter associated urinary tract infection
CCN - Community Children's Nursing
CDSN - community diabetes specialist nurse
CE - Cauda Equina
CEA - carcino embryonic antigen
CECT - contrast-enhanced computer tomography
CEDs - Community Eating Disorders
CEN - children with exceptional needs
CFU - colony forming units
CHI - community health index
CIS - carcinoma in situ
CLL - chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
CML - chronic myeloid leukaemia
CMV - cytomegalovirus
CNS - clinical nurse specialist
COSHH - control of substances hazardous to health
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
CPO - child protection order
CRC - colorectal cancer
CRM - cardiac rhythm management device
CRO - Call Recall Office
CRP - C-reactive protein
CRT-D - cardiac resynchronisation therapy with defibrillator
CSU - catheter specimen of urine
CT - computed tomography
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
CVAD - central venous access device
CVC - central venous catheter
CXR - chest x-ray
CYAPDM - Children and Young People’s Acute Deterioration Management Plan