Clozapine and abrupt smoking cessation

Clozapine and abrupt smoking cessation

STARTFINISHCreated with SnapSmoking statusIs the patient asmoker?STARTFINISHCreated with SnapSmokerAdvise of smoke freepolicy & smokingcessation supportSTARTFINISHCreated with SnapClozapine levelTake baseline plasmalevel if no recent levelavailable or showingdose related sideeffectsSTARTFINISHNormal levelIf level within0.35-0.6mg/l monitorfor dose related sideeffects. If side effectsemerge take a further...STARTFINISHIf side effects emergeConsider reducing thedose gradually toaround 75% of theirpre-quit dose. If dosereduced take further...STARTFINISHHigh levelIf level above 0.6mg/lconsider dosereduction. Repeatlevel after 7 days.Contact MH pharmacy...