About this toolkit


Key contacts

Key contacts

Dr Nagore Penades, Consultant Psychiatrist and eHealth Clinical Lead for Mental Health, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Tracey McKee, Subject Specialist Librarian and Lead Knowledge Manager for MyPsych, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Contact us


Senior Responsible Owner

Dr Una Graham, Deputy Medical Director, Mental Health and Addictions, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde/Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership

Accessibility checks

Content has been checked for accessibility in line with the relevant RDS standard operating procedure.

Content management and governance


The content in this toolkit has been developed and reviewed by NHSGGC Mental Health clinical staff and colleagues working in mental health services across NHS Scotland, with reference to relevant National and International guidance as appropriate.

Review and approval

Where appropriate the content of this toolkit follows the NHSGGC guidance for review and approval of clinical guidelines.

All guidance has been reviewed and approved by the NHSGGC Mental Health-Prescribing Management Group, NHSGGC Mental Health Safer Use of Medicines Group, NHSGGC Mental Health Services Clinical Governance Group, NHSGGC Primary Care - Prescribing Management Group or ADTC Medicines Utilisation Sub-committee as appropriate.

Guidance is considered for regular update on a schedule set by the above groups and all such updates will then go through the appropriate review and approval process.

Any updates to guidelines will be based on a review of the literature published since the last update, including relevant National and International guidance.

Any minor updates to content brought to the attention of the MyPsych App Editorial Group will be dealt with on an "as needed basis".

Content updates on the Right Decision Platform will be carried out by the MyPsych Editorial Group.

RDS automated alerts when review is due will be sent to the guideline reviewer or the MyPsych Editorial Group.


All guidelines authors have ensured that permission has been granted for the re-use of tools and measures, diagrams or images produced by external sources.

NHS Digital sub-licence obtained for NHSGGC for the Glasgow Anti-psychotic Side effect Scale (GASS) –NHSGGC users are prompted to contact Knowledge Services to obtain this.

All icons are from Flaticon.com, accessed through the licence held Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.

Evidence base

The guidelines included in this toolkit are based on a review of the relevant literature, including National and International guidance, combined with expert consensus and assessment of suitability for the Scottish healthcare context and acceptability to the patient population in Scotland.

Additional content and links sourced from colleagues across NHS Scotland and approved by the MyPsych Editorial Group.

Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

We encourage users of this toolkit to use our contact form to highlight any feedback or complaints.

Responses are monitored by the Key Contact & Knowledge Manager as named above and taken to the MyPsych Editorial Group for discussion and action.

Any messages received through the generic RDS Feedback form will also be forwarded to the Knowledge Manager for the toolkit and passed on as appropriate.

For guidance, the guideline authors and the MyPsych Editorial Group will acknowledge the feedback promptly and endeavour to address it in a timely manner. If a guideline requires significant amendments, the appropriate governance group will assess whether it should be withdrawn awaiting update or can remain on the site with an appropriate statement.

Risk assessment

The toolkit has been risk assessed, and mitigations put in place where required.

User testing

The toolkit was user tested by NHSGGC clinicians post-publication, and further user engagement will be undertaken as part of ongoing development work.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/11/2024

Next review date: 29/11/2025

Author(s): MyPsych Editorial Group.

Author email(s): mypsych@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: MyPsych Editorial Group

Reviewer name(s): MyPsych Editorial Group.