Making positive changes may not completely resolve your anxiety overnight – but it is important to persist and keep trying. This is the first, very important step towards feeling less anxious.
Nothing lasts forever, even anxiety, and learning to cope with your difficult feelings will only make you stronger.
Recognise and Understand Anxiety
There are some strategies you can use that help to recognise and understand anxiety:
Talk about your anxiety. The most powerful way to control anxiety is by talking about it with a trusted person like a parent, friend, teacher or counsellor.
Write down or keep a diary of how you feel; what you notice in your body; what your thoughts are and what you do.
Make a worry box. Writing down worries and putting them in a worry box where they can be ‘held’.
Have worry time. You can set aside some ‘worry time’ during the day when you can discuss all your worries.
Draw your anxiety. Drawing your anxiety can be helpful as an outlet, especially when it’s hard to put it in words.