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NHS Lothian

About this toolkit

Key contacts

MSK Pathways Service -

Evidence base

The clinical content of this toolkit is based on current national guidelines and frameworks.  In any area where national guidelines do not cover an aspect, clinical consensus has been sought by a Clinical Director / Clinical lead of specialist area.

Content management and governance

The content of this toolkit is owned and governed by the NHS Lothian MSK Program board.

Content review

Content and delivery of content has been reviewed and approved by the NHS Lothian MSK Program board.

The content will be re-reviewed 2 yearly, or sooner if required. Sooner updates will typically occur if new or updated clinical guidelines related to the content are released, or if a significant change in practice occurs. Ongoing monitoring for new national guidelines or frameworks will be undertaken by the MSK Pathways service team.

Governance sign-off and ongoing development

This toolkit has been approved by the NHS Lothian MSK Program Board on 23/09/2024.

Content updates on the Right Decisions platform will be carried out by the NHS Lothian MSK Pathways Service, with support from the Right Decision Service Team when required. Any minor updates will be dealt with on an "as needed" basis. Amendments will be reviewed and considered for approval by the NHS Lothian MSK Program Board.

Risk assessment

The toolkit has been risk assessed, and mitigations put in place where required.

Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

Feedback and complaints will be directed to and managed by the MSK Pathways Service at

Accessibility checks

Content has been checked for accessibility in line with the relevant RDS standard operating procedure.

User testing

Functional testing, usability testing and user acceptance testing have been carried out for this toolkit.


All icons are from, accessed through the licence held Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.