Flowchart for Rh(D) Negative antenatal patients following a potentially sensitising event (if not already sensitised)
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Standard Anti-D dose is 500 IU
Where anti-D is to be administered, this should be as soon as possible but always within 72 hours of the potentially sensitising event. If it is not given within 72 hours, every effort should still be made to administer the anti-D, as a dose given within 10 days may provide some protection. If there is uncertainty about dates it may be safer to administer anti-D. A group and retain sample should be sent to the Lab prior to administration of Anti-D
Anti-D administered via this flowchart will not affect, or be affected by RAADP.
Flowchart to be used in conjunction with other guidelines i.e. Antepartum Haemorrhage.
Related guideline: Anti-D administration following potentially sensitising events in Rhesus Negative women