Fluid intake
Women with a history of recurrent UTI should be advised to aim for a fluid intake of around 2.5 L a day of which at least 1.5 L is water.
To help achieve a fluid intake of around 2.5 L a day, it may be useful to express total fluid intake as 6 to 8 mugs a day (with a mug expected to hold around 350 ml).
Good practice point
Materials to support public awareness of the importance of hydration are available from Health Protection Scotland.
Good practice point
Exercise caution in women who are on fluid restriction for medical reasons (for example, those with chronic heart failure or on renal dialysis).
Spermicidal contraception
Consider offering women who are experiencing recurrent UTI an alternative to spermicide-containing contraceptives.
Voiding behaviours and hygiene
Two case-control studies found that postponing voiding can lead to an increased incidence of urinary tract infection.99,100 Other voiding and hygiene factors associated with increased risk of UTI are wiping genitals back to front, not urinating and not drinking water within 15 minutes of sexual intercourse, and avoidance of washing genitals with soap after urinating.100
Evidence – See section 5.1.1 in full guideline.