Purpose and audience

This toolkit provides key recommendations from SIGN 171 based on current evidence for best practice in the management of diabetes in pregnancy. It includes major milestones in the pregnancy journey from preconception care to follow up and surveillance in the weeks after delivery.

This toolkit will be of interest to healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care involved in the care of women with diabetes and their newborn babies, including general practitioners (GPs), nurses and midwives, obstetricians, diabetes physicians, neonatal paediatricians, dietitians and pharmacists. It will also be of interest to women with pre-existing diabetes, those who develop diabetes during pregnancy and their families.

Key contacts

Dr Moray Nairn - Programme Manager, SIGN.  moray.nairn@nhs.scot

Dr Carolyn Sleith - Information Scientist, Healthcare Improvement Scotland. carolyn.sleith@nhs.scot 


Chair of guideline development group:

Dr Robert Lindsay, Reader in Diabetes & Endocrinology and Honorary Consultant, Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences, British Heart Foundation Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, University of Glasgow. robert.lindsay@glasgow.ac.uk


Senior responsible owner:

Dr Roberta James, SIGN Programme Lead.

Content management and governance


The content in this toolkit has been developed by a multidisciplinary development group which includes healthcare professionals and people with lived experience. 

Review and approval

The content of this toolkit was reviewed by the SIGN editorial team (March-April 2024) and signed off by the SIGN Programme Lead (May 2024).

The content will be considered for update 3 years from publication. Any minor updates brought to the  attention will be dealt with on an "as needed" basis.

Updates will be reviewed and approved in line with the SIGN editorial governance process.

Content updates on the Right Decisions platform will be carried out by the SIGN team, with support from the Right Decision Service team when required.

RDS automated alerts when review is due will be sent to the Programme Manager responsible for the project, and the generic SIGN inbox, sign@sign.ac.uk.

Six months prior to the deadline for update (ie 3 years after publication) a scoping review will be conducted to identify new evidence that may require the recommendations in the toolkit be be updated. The results of the scoping review will be circulated to the original development group for comment, and to identify any other new areas for inclusion. Their responses, along with the review results, are submitted to the Evidence Directorate Work Programme Committee for consideration for update or revalidation.

Content will be updated using the development processes outlined in the SIGN methodology manual, SIGN 50: a guideline developer's handbook.

Amendments will be developed by a multidisciplinary group of clinicians and people with lived experience, subject to peer review, and signed off by the SIGN editorial team.


There is no content in this toolkit which requires copyright approval from the original owners.


Requesting permission to reuse SIGN materials

Copyright of this toolkit is retained by SIGN. 

This review is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence.  This allows for the copy and redistribution of SIGN toolkits as long as SIGN is fully acknowledged and given credit. The material must not be remixed, transformed or built upon in any way. To view a copy of this licence, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.

Please cite the toolkit as: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). Management of diabetes in pregnancy (SIGN 171). Edinburgh: SIGN; 2024. [cited dd mmm yyyy]. Available from URL: http://www.sign.ac.uk

Users wishing to use reproduce or republish SIGN material for commercial purposes must seek prior approval for reproduction in any medium by completing the form at https://www.sign.ac.uk/assets/sign_copyright_request.pdf.  Applicants for such permission should be aware that:

  • SIGN resources do not endorse specific products.
  • Reproduction of SIGN material must be verbatim.
  • Within marketing material there must be a clear separation between any SIGN material and product specific information or marketing.
  • SIGN does not endorse in any way derivative or excerpted materials based on these guidelines, and it cannot be held liable for the content or use of any such adapted products.
  • The use of the SIGN name or logo for the purposes of advertising or implied endorsement of any derived product or service is strictly forbidden.


Content has been checked for accessibility in line with the relevant RDS standard operating procedure.

Feedback and complaints

Submitting feedback or complaints

The email for the SIGN Programme Manager is available in the "Key contacts" section above and can be used to highlight any feedback or complaints.

Any messages received through the RDS Feedback form will also be forwarded to the Programme Manager.

Monitoring and acting on feedback or complaints

The Programme Manager will address the feedback. If it requires significant amendments, it will be referred to the SIGN Senior Management Team for consideration for the SIGN work programme.

User testing

The toolkit was tested for ease of navigation, look and content of the toolkit by members of the guideline development group before publication.

Conditions of use

Terms and conditions

The global terms and conditions which apply to all Right Decision Service toolkits can be viewed here. This includes the aims, background, scope, governance and ownership of the Service. Accessibility and browser compatibliity statements are provided by Tactuum Ltd, the company which provides the underpinning technology for the Right Decisions platform.


The content within this app/website is based on current recommendations and best practice, however it is intended to be applied alongside sound clinical judgement.  As such, Healthcare Improvement Scotland is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis or management decision made on the basis of the information provided via this app/website.

Use of this app within patient care settings should always be in accordance with local policies and guidance with regard to clinical practice and mobile device usage.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is not responsible for the content of any external websites listed, nor do they endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on in any of these websites.

All use of this resource is subject to Scots law and the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts and is subject to this disclaimer.  Any views given on the app/website are not necessarily those of Healthcare Improvement Scotland or anyone connected with us.