Take home naloxone (Prenoxad)
It is recognised that patients leaving hospital are at particularly high risk of taking an overdose. Opiates such as heroin and methadone are most commonly implicated in drug-related deaths, especially when taken in combination with other central nervous system depressants such as alcohol and benzodiazepines.
Where possible, patients should be educated about the fatal consequences of overdose and provided with information about naloxone treatment at the point of discharge.
The ‘Take Home Naloxone’ programme within Lothian allows individuals at risk of opiate overdose to access Overdose Awareness Training and obtain pre-filled syringes of naloxone to take home and administer in the event of an overdose. The individual does not need to be enrolled in a substance use service in order to access the ‘Take Home Naloxone’ initiative. Up to date guidelines can be found on the intranet:
Take Home Naloxone – Harm Reduction Team (nhslothian.scot)
Training on ‘Take Home Naloxone’ and an authorised supply can be obtained through:
- Referral to the Drug Liaison Nurses whilst in hospital
- Acute medical staff within NHS Lothian who have undertaken training to provide ‘Take Home Naloxone’
- Self referral to any drug service
- GPs who have undertaken training and operate the Local Enhanced Service for Drug Users
- Select pharmacies
Contact details and further information is shown in Useful phone numbers and contacts during working hours.
Note that family members and carers can be supplied with ‘Take Home Naloxone’ too and consent is not required from the patient to make a supply to a family member or carer.