If you scroll down then you'll find more information for Glasgow North West, Glasgow North East and Glasgow South
Glasgow City Resources
Bookbug: is a free, fun and friendly session for babies, toddlers and children under 5 years of age accompanied by their parents and/or carers. Each session is relaxed, lasts 30-45 minutes and includes songs, stories and rhymes. Bookbug sessions are a great way for children to interact with others and to improve their social and language skills. They are a chance for you to spend quality time with your child and meet other parents/carers.
Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland: Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland have created this map to help mothers / parents across Scotland to identify venues that are signed up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme.
Breastfeeding Network: Details of local support available across Greater Glasgow and Clyde offered by Breastfeeding Network
Early Years Scotland - Stay, Play and Learn: Play sessions for children and their parents or carers offered by Early Years Scotland
Family Support - Quarriers: Quarriers provides services for adults and children with a physical or learning disability, families facing poverty, breakdown and disadvantage parent support groups, health and wellbeing workshops and activity groups for children.
Food Pantry: Scottish Food Pantry Network has developed a map of food pantries located in Glasgow. For a small membership fee, pantries offer heavily discounted food. They may also provide guidance and support on topics related to food insecurity, such as bills, benefits, unemployment, and mental health, among others.
Food Map: Find local services in your community by using the search function on our map
Glasgow Breastfeeding buddies: Breastfeeding support in Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Glasgow Family Information Service: Glasgow Family Information Service – A searchable database of all registered childcare providers in Glasgow.
Glasgow Helps: Glasgow Helps service offers free, confidential support, information and advice for citizens on a wide range of issues, connecting you to a wide and varied range of services across the city.
Glasgow Sling Library: Help and advice on how to use slings and at a cost, slings are available to hire
Glasgow City Health & Social Care Partnership
OPFS - Glasgow office for single parents families: Glasgow Offices - Our single parent tailored topics and search option offers face-to-face family support services and a wealth of advice and information on various topics.
Your Support Your Way: Information provided by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership about local services for children, young people and their families in Glasgow.
Glasgow North East
Early Years Activities in NE Glasgow for Under 5s: The North East Health Improvement Team from Glasgow City Heath and Social Care Partnership have developed this document containing activities for parents/carers and their children, from ages 0-5 years, including toddler groups, Bookbug, baby massage, sensory play and yoga. You can use the navigation tool at the bottom right hand corner of the screen to help find the type service you are looking for.
Geeza Break: operates in North East Glasgow providing support and respite for families who face challenges.
Home-Start Glasgow North & North Lanarkshire (homestartgnnl.org.uk): Home Start Glasgow North and North Lanarkshire provides support for families with young children who are facing difficulties. They help to reduce isolation and loneliness and build healthy family relationships by working to improve the wellbeing of parents with, or at risk of, mental ill health during the during pregnancy and up until your child is three years old.
PEEK Project: PEEK supports children, young people and families in Glasgow to raise their aspirations and achieve their goals through play, creative learning, improved wellbeing and volunteering.
Rosemont Lifelong Learning: Aim High delivers a range of support to young people aged 16-25 who are lone parents living in Glasgow. We offer support to young parents who are experiencing major change in their lives and seek to enhance the employment/ learning prospects for young people leading to increased family income and the ability to access additional activities, increase community networks and opportunities for the family. We have built in opportunities for the young parents and their children to take part in activities together to encourage parents to get involved with their child’s learning and development as well as their own.
Baby Massage Course Feb 2025: Starting 20/2/25

Glasgow North West
3D Drumchapel: are a charity who provide support to children and families in Drumchapel, Yoker and Knightswood.
Home-Start Glasgow North & North Lanarkshire (homestartgnnl.org.uk): Home Start Glasgow North and North Lanarkshire provides support for families with young children who are facing difficulties. They help to reduce isolation and loneliness and build healthy family relationships by working to improve the wellbeing of parents with, or at risk of, mental ill health during the during pregnancy and up until your child is three years old.
The Womens Centre Glasgow: The Women’s Centre is based in Maryhill community hub and creates a safe space for all women in Glasgow and provide online and in-person services for mental and physical wellbeing.
Glasgow South
Home-Start Glasgow South - Family Support Charity (homestartglasgowsouth.org.uk): Home Start Glasgow South provides support for families with young children who are facing difficulties. Trained volunteers with parenting experience visit local families once a week for a minimum of 2-3 hours to provide parents and children with emotional and practical support with life.
Giggle n Grow - is a project run by the south Glasgow parenting forum, they offer classes in various locations in the south side of Glasgow including Move Dance Go, BookBug and Family day's out. Visit the website for a calendar of events and where the classes run
Corkerhill Community Hub - Visit the website to find contact details and times for various groups such as parent and toddlers, buggy walks, chatty cafe's
Early Years Scotland: Glasgow South Side - this link will take you to their Facebook page, where they post local activities and events
The Village Storytelling Centre - based in the community of Pollok, they provide a wide range of activities including storytelling and art classes for children
SWAMP Creative Media Centre - based in Pollok, this link will take you to their Facebook page for further information on events and activities
Elder Park Libraries; Pre 5 sessions - visit the Glasgow Life website for further information
Clyde Community Hall: Govan - this is their Facebook page which gives details of activities available
Govan Help - early years family support pages giving information on local drop in sessions
Make Do and Grow - is a non profit social enterprise based in Govan. We have a children’s shop and Toy Library located on Burleigh Street and Govan Road respectively. Our shop offers quality, affordable pre-loved clothing and toys. It’s also a space for parents, carers and children to connect through play and creative classes.
Maslow's Community Shop - Our purpose is to empower refugees, asylum seekers and those experiencing poverty and hardship by enabling them to improve their financial and social situation and promote community cohesion.
Moogety Food: Hub and Garden - is a non-profit social enterprise based in Govan, Glasgow, promoting healthy eating, cooking and participation within the community.
Govan Community Project - support the diverse communities in the Greater Govan area and refugees and people seeking asylum all over Glasgow.
Daisey Chain Early Years Project - based in Govanhill is an early intervention project for children under 12 and their families
Big Noise Govanhill - offers little noise sessions for under 5s