Each dayshift will have a Consultant, Middle Grade and Junior allocated to Resus. Backshift has an allocated Middle Grade and Junior (with Consultant support based in Majors A).
There is a Resus Handover pause including all staff allocated there at 08:30 and 16:30 daily. This includes a team introduction, patient handover, equipment issues and educational opportunities.
Please ensure Resus checks are completed on a daily basis. Daily checks of the Difficult Airway and Trauma trolleys are vital and also improve familiarisation with equipment. There is a step-by-step guide for ventilator and anaesthetic equipment checks in the Daily Checks folder. A guide to the ventilator checks can also be found in the ED Sharepoint folder.
There is an ED Skills folder in Resus containing step-by-step picture guides for most ED practical skills including a run through of the various functions of the Oxylog 3000 ventilator. (See also: Skills and Drills)
Ensure you understand how to turn on a portable O2 cylinder. This can be more complicated than it sounds!
Please aim to have a ‘hands off handover’ with SAS staff for all pre-alerted patients.