Emergency Department Senior Doctor on Duty
1. Assume role of Senior Emergency Physician action card until arrival of the ED Consultant On-Call.
2. Ensure that department is prepared for arrival of casualties.
3. Assist the senior emergency consultant in the allocation of medical staff to roles.
4. Undertake role as part of treatment team as directed by the ED Consultant On-Call.
Initial Actions:
1. Liaise with ED Nurse in Charge and check call has been verified with Contact Centre and that ED Consultant On-Call has been informed and is attending.
2. Discharge non-urgent patients from the department.
3. Assume roles of Senior Emergency Physician action card until arrival of the ED Consultant On-Call.
4. Assist in delegating available medical staff into treatment teams.
5. Contact Theatres/Critical Care and the Radiology hub immediately (or delegate task) and notify of Major Incident declaration.
1. Take on role of Senior Emergency Physician until ED Consultant On-Call arrives.
2. Assist in preparation of ED and allocation of roles.