Junior Doctor Responsibilities



Certain conditions require discussion with a senior decision maker prior to discharge. This is due to a high level of missed significant pathology in these groups.




The junior rota is managed by Dr Devin Chetty (devin.chetty@ggc.scot.nhs.uk), rota manager Emma Haines (emma.haines@ggc.scot.nhs.uk). Any requests for leave should be made by email.

Allocations to different areas of the department are designated on the rota green for resus, yellow for majors B, and orange for the ward. 

How to view the rota

The rota incorporating annual leave, will be emailed to you before you commence your post. 4 month posts (FY2s) are allocated 15 days leave in each block; 6 month posts are allocated 20 days per six months.  This includes annual leave and public holidays.

How to request leave

Study leave should be discussed with your Educational Supervisor and then requested by email to Dr Devin Chetty and Emma Haines, with as much notice as possible. Study leave forms should be sent to Emma Haines. 

Sick leave/Short notice leave

If you require sick leave please contact 0141 451 1394, speak to the Senior on Duty (preferably Consultant in Charge) and let them know.

Also call the absence line on 0141 956 0623.

Include your name, details of absence, shift you are due to work and if possible, expected return date.

If there is no answer, leave a message as this will be picked up.

This information should also be emailed to GRI.EmergencyDepartmentMedical@ggc.scot.nhs.uk and your Clinical Supervisor.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/08/2021

Next review date: 29/08/2025

Author(s): Alastair Ireland.

Reviewer name(s): Kim Kilmurray.

Document Id: 4