The ED has a dedicated 24-hour X-Ray/CT facility. Full X-Ray facilities are also available in Resus using a portable X-Ray machine. Requests are made using Trakcare. Images are viewed on “PACS North Glasgow.”
To request a CT please write a brief clinical history to explain the need for the requested exam. You should then phone the radiologist (20444 out of hours and 29713/4 in hours). Once they have vetted the scan, let the radiographer know in ED CT (21018) that the scan has been vetted so that they know to request the porter to bring the patient around.
For plain X-Ray, the request is also made on Trakcare. Please make a note of the cubicle where the patient is, as part of the request. The radiographer is not allowed to carry out exams that are not indicated and they are obliged to get a clinical history before X-Ray is performed. A brief clinical history on the request will save both of you time. Ambulatory patients can be walked to the ED X-Ray waiting room. Other patients will be transferred by porters at the request of the X-Ray department.
Take note of any “Red dots” placed on X-rays by the radiographer as they are experienced at reviewing X-Rays and a red dot shows they are concerned it is abnormal. Respect this concern and ask them or a senior if you can’t see the abnormality.
All X-Rays that you review should have a ‘sticky note’ placed on them with your brief opinion of your interpretation. This allows Radiology to assess whether a patient may need to be recalled as they report the film if you have missed something important. ED consultants review all radiology reports from the department and without sticky notes an already laborious task becomes even more time consuming.
There is an interesting X-Ray folder in Majors A to help facilitate teaching and our monthly departmental radiology meeting.