Urinary Retention


There is an easy form to follow for the management of urinary retention.  The main things to be aware of are:

  • Record the residual volume and size of catheter used (recommended 16Fr by Urology) and the urinalysis
  • Perform a PR – assess prostate
  • Measure PSA, U&Es and LFTs
  • Prescribe tamsulosin for 7 days - discharge packs available in ED then advise to contact GP for further tablets
  • Give patients a catheter pack for discharge and ensure a form has been completed for 'ScriptEasy' which will allow patients to receive more catheter equipment
  • Reasons for admission are: abnormal renal function, residual volume >=1.5L, elderly/frail patients, faecal impaction.

Please ensure ScriptEasy form is completed along with:

  • Catheter size and supplies circled on form
  • ScriptEasy discharge pack given to patient (135 cupboard). Alternatively, if there are none left, then the patient can be discharged with 2 leg bags and 5 overnight bags until their supplies are delivered.

Put the completed forms in the blue Out-of-hours tray in ED Reception and they will kindly email the referrals.

  • Please put patient sticker in folder for audit.
  • Patient information slips in folder and some Scripteasy bags (with a tick on the white sticker on the front of the bag)


NB: To complete both forms you must access the links on a PC or laptop via the web version of the app NOT on your mobile phone.  Forms are also available on the GRI-ED SharePoint page.

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Document Id: 233