STOP5 Hot Debrief
Staff should consider undertaking a hot debrief after all cardiac arrest cases. This should occur as soon as possible after conclusion of the case, last for around 5 minutes, and include all staff involved in the case (although participation is clearly optional). The discussion can be led by any staff member with experience in debriefing and there will be a guide available on the wall in each resus space (copy also included here).
Please complete a record form for each debrief - blank forms can be found in the box next to the resus log (copy also attached here). This will allow us to monitor engagement, detect common themes for areas where we can improve performance and record any action points raised so that these can be acted upon by the debrief team. The paperwork should take only a couple of minutes, the completed form can be returned to the poly pocket in the same box. If possible, please complete a form even if a debrief does not take place, with a brief explanation why, so that we can understand what barriers there may be to the process.