Ambulatory Pathway


There is an outpatient pathway available for patients that are felt to be well enough that present with possible DVT or PE.  Patient with DVT must have not mobility issues, no concerns about septic clot (IVDUs) and have no evidence of a chaotic lifestyle making them unlikely to return for the OP USS.  Those with PE must be clinically stable with a NEWS of 0.  More work is being done to make a clearer distinction on patients considered well enough for these pathways.  The proforma talks through the necessary steps to ensure that a patient gets their necessary scan and possible treatment.

DVT/PE Pathway

DVT/PE Proforma

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 30/01/2024

Next review date: 01/06/2026

Author(s): Dr S Taylor.

Version: 1.3

Reviewer name(s): Dr S Taylor.