Sickle Cell Disease


Patients with sickle cell disease may present to the department with a problem directly related to their sickle cell disease. However, even if this is not the case, there is a high likelihood that their sickle cell disease will affect the management of their presenting problem. Please consider informing haematology of any significant presentation to the department of a patient with sickle cell disease.

Haematology reg can be contacted via the on call page 13733 9-5 mon-Friday, or via switchboard out of hours.


The following guidelines from the Scottish Paediatric and Adult Haemoglobinopathies Network (SPAHN) are particularly useful:

View all the guidelines on the SPAHN Guidelines page

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 19/01/2022

Next review date: 01/06/2026

Author(s): Scottish Paediatric and Adult Haemoglobinopathies Network (SPAHN).

Reviewer name(s): Shona Leighton.