Views and experiences of young people

Young People's views and experiences in: 

Sexual Health & Healthy Relationships Project Final Report December 2022

Young parents

Body confidence - views and experiences from the Mum and Baby Group (2min 19s)

What advice would you give? - Views and experiences from the Mum and Baby Group (3min 48s)


Young refugees

Advice for Carers and Workers' Podcast Part 1 of 3 (56s)

Advice for Carers and Workers' Podcast Part 2 of 3 (1min 31s)

Advice for Carers and Workers' Podcast Part 3 of 3 (1min 19s)


Young people in secure care

Advice from Young People in Secure Care (1min 6s)

Who Cares Scotland 'Good Listener' poster How do you know interactive poster

LGBTQ+ Young People

This resource was made by care experienced LGBTQ+ young people and outlines the support they want from adults in caring roles and from organisations - LGBT Youth Scotland Top Tips

 Go to website: LGBT Youth Scotland Top Tips - 5 things we want you to know - create safe enviroments for LGBT people in care settings - recommendations for the care sector