National policies and guidance
1. Scottish Government, 2022. National guidance for child protection in Scotland 2021 Updated 2023.
2. Scottish Government. Child protection.
3. Scottish Government. Violence against women and girls (VAWG).
4. Scottish Government, 2021. Reset and rebuild - sexual health and blood borne virus services: recovery plan.
5. Scottish Government. Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC).
6. The Promise Scotland. The promise.
7. Scottish Government, 2019. Healthy relationships and consent: key messages for young people.
8. Scottish Government, 2021. Women's health plan.
9. Scottish Government, 2023. Pregnancy and parenthood while you are in school or education: leaflet.
10. Scottish Government, 2021. Supporting transgender young people in schools: guidance for Scottish schools.
11. Scottish Government, 2018. LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group: report to the Scottish Ministers.
12. Scottish Government, 2021. Trauma informed practice: toolkit.