Depression and Anxiety - NHSGGC SilverCloud User Information Leaflet

Warning Warning: This guideline is 421 day(s) past its review date.

Downloadable leaflet Depression and Anxiety - NHSGGC SilverCloud User Information Leaflet

SilverCloud provides convenient secure access anywhere anytime to evidence-based online treatments to help you manage depression and/or stress and anxiety. You will work through a series of topics to address specific needs. This course is designed to be completed in your own time at your own pace. Based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness and positive psychology, SilverCloud is both interactive and flexible. Our small team of Supporters within the cCBT Service will be there at regular intervals (approximately every 3 weeks) to encourage and guide you through the modules and sign-post you to resources within the programme that may be particularly relevant to you.

The programme can be run on a desktop or laptop computer, a smartphone (internet-enabled mobile phone) or tablet device.

This is a supported online therapy which aims to help you develop techniques and tools to manage psychological difficulties. SilverCloud uses CBT to help you make changes to the way you think, feel, and behave.

CBT is a psychological therapy that works on the relationship between thoughts (cognitions), behaviours and feelings. CBT teaches the individual how to recognise and make changes to thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in the present, rather than focusing on the past. It has been widely studied and is proven to be effective, particularly with depression and anxiety. CBT works best when you actively engage with treatment, the more you engage with the modules the more you will hopefully take from this programme and feel confident in managing your current difficulties. Engaging in this programme will enable the Supporter Team to guide you through the modules and support you to get the most out of the programme.

We recommend using SilverCloud for 10-15 minutes 3 or 4 times a week (for a total of 40-60 minutes per week) over 6-8 weeks. You should try to complete modules at a regular time where possible and when you have some quiet time to yourself. As with most things, it may take time and practice to make progress.

SilverCloud programmes have been shown to be effective in the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression. SilverCloud offers flexibility, you can set your own pace, it is not time consuming, and you don’t have to stick to rigid appointments.

Screenshot of depression and anxiety programme headings


You can access SilverCloud through an internet browser or mobile application (‘SilverCloud Toolkit’ in the Apple Store, and ‘SilverCloud’ in the Google Play store). In addition to this information leaflet you will receive sign-up instructions in an email sent by SilverCloud/ cCBT service.

3 screenshot images showing visiting the SilverCloud website,, the SliverCloud Toolkit entry on an app store and the install option

Simply click on the “Accept Invite” link in your SilverCloud welcome email and follow on screen instructions.

Image of blue accept invite button

You should provide a secure username and password, along with your email address. Remember to keep your password safe, you will use this password each time you log in. You will be asked to read the support agreement and complete short questionnaires.

Screenshot of sign up screen showing enter a username, enter a password, confirm password and email

After these steps have been completed you will be able to get started with SilverCloud.

The course can be completed 24/7 in your home or during opening hours at any local library or other community setting using either a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Yes. You have a username and password so that no-one else can access the details you enter. All your data is stored in an encrypted database. Sometimes data that is routinely collected during the course of treatment will be used for service improvement and evaluation. The information may be shared with other Health Boards, nationally and with NHS 24. This information is always anonymised. This means that all information that could be used to identify you is removed and your confidentiality is maintained.

You will find that routinely (approximately every 3 weeks) during online treatment you will be asked to take part in a “review” on an agreed review date. Through the SilverCloud messaging system, you are able to leave key messages for the Supporter Team at any point and the team will then pick up your message at your next review date. You also have the option to share your journal and mood monitoring activities if you wish to do so. During a review you will be asked to complete questionnaires and share any comments that you have. A Supporter from the cCBT service will then provide written feedback and additional advice which will appear on your Homepage and Message page. The role of the Supporter is to guide and encourage you through your treatment programme and sign post you to resources for your needs. Please note, if you feel you require additional treatment for your mental health please contact your GP or discuss with a Mental Health Practitioner.

During a review you will be asked if you have had thoughts of harming yourself. If you confirm that you have, the cCBT service will inform your GP the next working day. If you were referred by a Mental Health professional and continue to have contact with them then they will be contacted instead. Below is a list of useful contact numbers if you feel you wish to speak with someone. If you feel you need to speak to someone more urgently then it is recommended that you contact your GP or NHS 24 on 111 to discuss these feelings.

  • Breathing Space on 0800 838 587. They are open from 6pm to 2am Monday to Thursday, and 6pm to 6am Friday to Monday morning.
  • The Samaritans offer a 24-hour telephone helpline Call on: 116 123. You can also contact them via email to
  • NHS 24 - 111. The NHS 24 111 service provides urgent care advice day or night and health and dental support when your GP practice or dentist is closed.
  • In an Emergency call 999.


If you require further information or assistance in activating your account, please contact us using below details:


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Computerised CBT Service (Mon – Fri 9-5)


Email: -


Phone:- 0141 287 0295

Getting Started - This module shows you how to think and feel better using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Understanding Depression & Anxiety - This modules helps you understand how depression & anxiety affects you and uses CBT to manage your symptoms.

Noticing Feelings - This module helps you learn about emotions and what impacts them. Use physical sensations to tune in to your emotions.

Boosting Behaviour - This module looks at how doing things a little differently can be a really great way to start to lift your mood.

Spotting Thoughts - This module looks at the impact of unhelpful automatic thinking on your mood. It also helps you to tune in to your thoughts and to recognise any common thinking errors.

Challenging Thoughts - This module takes the next step in helping you tackle distorted or overly negative thinking patterns which can impact your mood.

Managing Worry - This module takes the next step in helping you tackle distorted or overly negative thinking patterns which can impact your mood.

Core Beliefs (Unlockable) - This module shows the role that deeply-held core beliefs can play in mood.

Facing Your Fears (Unlockable) - This module will help you break down your fears so that you can start to face them and reduce your anxiety.

Bringing It All Together - In this final module you can bring together all the skills you have learned, and the ideas you have gathered so far.

Please contact us via email ( or phone (0141 287 0295) with your full name and date of birth if you would like any of these unlocked


Money Worries – This module shows you how to reduce the impact of money problems on wellbeing and mental health with some practical solutions.

My Self-Esteem and I - This module is about an often ignored relationship: the one we have with ourselves. This involves our beliefs about ourselves and how we tend to act towards ourselves.

Sleep Difficulties - This module takes a closer look at sleep and helps you to understand your difficulties with sleep.

Relaxation - This module introduces you to some relaxation techniques that you can use in your day-to-day life.

Employment Support - This module takes a look at some of the difficulties you may encounter in work, or when returning to work after a period of unemployment.

Behavioural Experiments - In this module, you will learn how to test your negative thoughts and predictions.

Communication & Relationships - This module focuses on the way we communicate and relate to people in our lives. It looks at what we can do to make our relationships satisfying.                  

Anger Management - This module will help you to gain a better understanding of your anger. You will learn to how to manage your anger more effectively.

Grief & Loss - This module explores the experience of loss and helps you to understand your own unique grieving process.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/02/2022

Next review date: 01/02/2024

Author(s): cCBT Team.

Approved By: cCBT Team