Normally insidious onset suggesting an over use component. Pain thought to originate form the bursa (the largest in the body), muscle belly, musculo-tendinous junction or tendon itself (Johnston 1998). Linked with co-existing pathologies making differential diagnosis difficult.
Pain normally felt anterior groin, proximal thigh and lower abdomen. Some patients may experience snapping hip syndrome (often this sign is asymptomatic).
Has been linked to a higher incident of low back pain. Tyler et al (2014) suggests that 45% all dancers with iliopsoas groin pain had lumbar spine symptoms.
Aggravating Factors: Running especially fast long strides, sudden changes in speed and direction, active flexion activities e.g. Stair climbing, sitting in low chairs.
Little is known about prevalence but reported high incidence in runners (Holmich, 2007).