International Hip Outcome Tool-2 (IHOT12)
International Hip Outcome Tool-33 (IHOT33)
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Holmich, P., Holmich, L.R. and Bjerg, A.M. 2004. Clinical examination of athletes with groin pain: an intraobserver and interobserver reliability study. British Journal Sports Medicine: 38: 446-51. Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
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Malliaras, P., Hogan, A., Nawrocki, A., Crossley, K. and Schache, A. 2009. Hip flexibility and strength measures: reliability and association with athletic groin pain, British Journal of Sports Medicine 43: 739 -744 Link Here (link correct as of 21/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
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Mohammed, W.S., Abdelraouf, O.R. Elhafez, S.M., Adbel-Aziem, A.A. and Nassif, N.S. 2014. Isokinetic imbalance of hip muscles in soccer players with oseitis pubis: Journal of Sports Science: 32; 934-9 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Mosler, A.B., Agricola, R., Weir, A., Holmich, P. and Crossley, K.M. 2015. Which factors differentiate athletes with hip/groin pain from those without? A systematic review with meta- analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 49(12): 810 Link Here(link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Serner, A., van Eijck, C.H., Beumer, B.R., Holmich, P., Weir, A. and de Vos, R.J. 2015. Study quality on groin injury management remains low: a systematic review on treatment of groin pain in athletes: British Journal of Sports Medicine; 49(12): 813 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Thorberg, K., Tijssen, M., Habets, B., Bartels, E.M., Roos, E.M., Kemp, J., Crossley, K.M. and Holmich, P. 2015. Patient- reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires for young to middle- aged adults with hip and groin disability: a systemic review of the clinimetric evidence: British Journal of Sports Medicine: 49(12): 812 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Verrall, G.M., Hamilton, I.A., Slavotinek, J.P., Oakeshott, R.D., Spriggins, A.J., Barnes, P.G. and Fon, G.T. 2005. Hip joint range of motion reduction in sports-related chronic groin injury diagnosed as pubic bone stress injury. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 8(1):77–84 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Tyler, T.F., Fukunaga, T. And Gellert, J. 2014. Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries of the hip and pelvis. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 9(6): 785-797 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Weir, A., Brukner, P., Delahunt, E., Ekstrand, J., Griffin, D., Khan, K.M., Lovell, G., Meyers, W.C., Muschaweck, U., Orchard, J., Paajanen, H., Philippon, M., Reboul, G., Robinson, P., Schache, A.G., Schilders, E., Serner, A., Silvers, H., Thorborg, K., Tyler, T., Verrall, G., de Vos, R.J., Vuckovic, Z. and Holmich, P. 2015. Doha agreement meeting on terminology and definitions of groin pain in althletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine 49 (12): 768-774 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.
Weir, A., Jansen, J.A., van de Port, I.G., Van de Sande, H.B., Tol, J.L. and Backx, F.J. 2011. Manual or exercise therapy for longstanding adductor-related groin pain: a randomised controlled clinical trial. Manual Therapy 16(2): 148–54 Link Here (link correct as of 22/01/21). NHS Scotland Athens username and password may be required.