Opportunities to volunteer


Available to all GGC

Volunteer Scotland

Allows you to search for volunteering opportunities across Scotland. Able to specify location and type of activity.

Scotland's service directory: NHS inform

Provides information on a variety of quality assured public health and health improvement resources.  Able to search by topic and/ or area.

Glasgow city

Glasgow City Bridging Service

Available to those with health and social care needs who are interested in progressing towards work, training, education and voluntary work.  Referral by HCP.

Volunteer Glasgow

Offer advice and support on accessing volunteering opportunities in Glasgow.

Community Connectors

Free confidential service connecting older people and carers to local services, facilities and activities and providing them with tailored and informed support.

East Dunbartonshire

East Dumbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA)

Provide services over four area - volunteering, voluntary services, social economy and community engagement.

Assets Map

Search facility which provides a vast range of services and groups in the local area.

West Dunbartonshire

West Dumbartonshire CVS (WDCVS)

A third sector interface which supports, promotes, develops and represents volunteering activities.


CVS Inverclyde

A third sector interface which supports, promotes, develops and represents volunteering activities.


Engage Renfrewshire

Provide help and support to people living in East Renfrewshire who want advice on volunteering and community work.

East Renfrewshire

Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire

Connects and supports volunteering, social enterprising activity and voluntary groups.

Advisors offer advice and support, training and networking, signposting and community connections, volunteering development and matching services.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 30/04/2024

Next review date: 30/04/2025

Reviewer name(s): Louise Ross, Alison Baird, Karen Glass.