Currently not in employment


Help and advice to support people looking for and finding work when affected by a current health problem.

GG&C wide services

Job Centre Plus

Provides advice on welfare benefits and support for return to work.

Support and Information Services (S&IS)

Available to all GG&C. Located in hospital sites but do not have to be attending acute to access.  Offer a face to face or telephone consultation to assess needs and signpost to suitable employability services.

Patients can self-refer or HCP's can refer through Trak. Referral pads also available for HCP's in acute sites to put further information on.

Scotland's service directory. NHS Inform.

GG&C Health and Wellbeing Directory
Provides information on health and wellbeing services across Scotland.  Able to search by topic and/or area.

NHS GG&C Health and Wellbeing Directory


Not taking new referrals so might be better to remove??

Glasgow city

Glasgow City Bridging Services

Available to those with health and social care needs who are interested in progressing towards work, training, education and voluntary work.

Referral by HCP. Referral form available through NHS GG&C Health and Wellbeing Directory.

Access to Glasgow City Bridging through NHS GG&C Health and Wellbeing Directory

Jobs & Business Glasgow

Provide employability support for unemployed adults. Can offer additional support for example child care.  Various sites across Glasgow City.

Employability Scotland

Find out about support available to those currently in employment or seeking employment in Glasgow.

West Dunbartonshire


Offers support to unemployed people to return to work, providing assistance in benefits and debt, learning, digital literacy and preparation for work.

West Dunbartonshire council: jobs and training.

Employability in Scotland: West Dunbartonshire.

West Dunbartonshire: health improvement team.


The Trust.

Provides support and training for those in low paid employment as well as those unemployed.  Access through self referral.

Inverclyde health improvement team.

Inverclyde Life: community directory.

Employability Scotland: Inverclyde.



Invest in Renfrewshire

Councils programme to help tackle unemployment and boost the local economy. It offers advice on how to find work, training opportunities and vacancies.

Renfrewshire: digital directory.

Employability in Scotland: Renfrewshire.

East Renfrewshire


Provides training and employment advice primarily for unemployed but also provides support for those struggling to stay at work.

East Renfrewshire council: adult learning

Employability Scotland: East Renfrewshire

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 30/04/2024

Next review date: 30/04/2025

Reviewer name(s): Louise Ross , Alison Baird , Karen Glass .