Currently in employment


This guidance for when a current health problem is affecting ability to do job.

Guidance for currently off sick from work

Advice to check absence policy in terms of how to keep in touch with employer and support available.

Consider fit note/modified duties.

Guidance for currently in work

If employer has an occupational health service advise to contact occupational health in line with attendance management policy.

If no occupational health advise to discuss with manager options for reasonable adjustment, support and risk assessment.

Healthy working lives

Provides practical advice, guides and tools to help with every aspect of health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace.

Working health Scotland services (4 weeks absence)

Provides free and confidential advice and health support for people who are self-employed or working in companies with 250 or less employees. Referral can be made by an individual, GP or health professional. Online referral form available on website.

Inclusion criteria - off work for 4 weeks and likely to get back within 3 months.

Access to Work (1 year absence)

Provides practical and financial support to help over come barriers to starting or keeping a job.

Available for individuals with at least one year disability covered by the disability act.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 30/04/2024

Next review date: 30/04/2025

Reviewer name(s): Louise Ross, Alison Baird, Karen Glass.