We aim to ensure that our users are fully aware of our service in order that they can make the best use of it. The information includes how to contact us, how to correctly send specimens for analysis, and how to obtain clinical advice. This is available in the user manuals MP506 & MP507.
Laboratory information for patients and users
Laboratory users and patients have access to appropriate laboratory information via GGC Microbiology website which contains departmental user manuals.
Key information for service users includes:
- Location of the laboratory and opening hours
- Instructions for specimen transport and collection (where appropriate)
- The repertoire of tests offered, specimen types required and turnaround times
- Contact details of key staff
- Availability of clinical advice and interpretation
- Key factors which are known to impact the performance of the test or interpretation of results
- Laboratory complaints procedure
Requests for providing laboratory examinations
Each accepted laboratory request will be considered an agreement.
Laboratory requests will be a format deemed appropriate for the laboratory and user and are designed to include:
- Sufficient information to allow unique identification of the patient
- The source of the request, requesting individual and contact
- The date and time of specimen collection
- Specimen type and where appropriate the anatomical site of origin
- The investigation required
- Relevant clinical information
- Location to which report should be sent (including copy report)
- The unique laboratory accession number
Oral requests
Oral requests received by the laboratory would be documented and feasibility of testing discussed with consultant microbiologist. Upon acceptance, the request would be recorded on designated request form and test performed. All requests received must be accurately documented, traceable, and promptly actioned.
Primary sample collection and handling
Sample collection and handling instructions can be located within departmental user manuals, which are accessible on the GGC Microbiology website. Laboratory user manuals are reviewed regularly to ensure: appropriateness of tests, protocols for appropriate specimen collection, handling, testing, and reporting, and acceptance criteria.
Sample received with deviations are reported to users in accordance with laboratory specimen rejections protocol LI555. Each sample type will be risk assessed and actioned accordingly (i.e. CSF, Blood Culture etc).
Information for pre-collection activities
We aim to ensure that our users are fully aware of our service in order that they can make the best use of it. The information includes how to contact us, how to correctly send specimens for analysis, and how to obtain clinical advice. This is available in the user manuals MP506 & MP507 and on Microbiology Right Decisions website.
Patient consent
AS per NHS policy, consent can be given in the following ways:
- Verbally – e.g. person stating they are happy to have procedure/test taken
- Writing – e.g. signing consent form
- Non-verbal – this can be given if patient understands the treatment or examination about to take place e.g. holding out arm for blood test, or giving sample when requested
Instructions for collection activities
To ensure safe, accurate and clinically appropriateness of sample collection and pre-examination storage, the following steps are conducted:
- Checking the completion of the request form and confirming the identity of the patient
- Checking that the specimen container is correctly labelled
- Ensuring that the specimen is correctly collected
- Minimising the risk of interchange of samples and sub samples
- Ensuring that environmental and storage conditions are fulfilled
- Ensuring the safe disposal of all materials used in specimen collection
- Ensuring that high risk specimens are identified and processed correctly
- Ensuring that all spillages and breakages are dealt with correctly
- Minimising the risk to ensure the safety of the specimen collector carrier, the general public and the receiving laboratory
Sample transportation
The GG&C Specimen Transport Policy fulfils this standard and includes:
- Measures to ensure the safety of the courier the general public and the receiving laboratory
- Measures to ensure the confidentiality of patients' samples whilst in transit
- Measures to minimise delay in delivery
- Disinfection protocol following spillage
- Model rules on the type of outer container used to transport specimens
- This policy is also subject to audit
Sample receipt
Sample receipt procedure
The Specimen Reception procedures include instructions on:
- Accurate matching of request form and specimen
- Recording date of receipt
- Assigning a unique laboratory accession number
- Handling urgent samples
- Spillage protocol
- Staff safety
The procedure has instructions for the rejection of specimens that includes:
- The criteria for rejection of specimens
- The recording of rejected samples
- Notification of the user concerning rejected specimens.
Pre-examination handling, preparation, and storage
MP512 Control of Clinical Material in place and provides details for the handling and storage of sample received
Feasibility of additional testing will be assessed upon request and discussed with medical microbiologist and laboratory management, where applicable, prior to processing