Violence against women partnerships
Equally Safe, the Scottish Government and COSLA's joint strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls (VAWG), was launched in 2014 and revised in 2016, with a delivery plan published in 2017. Equally Safe sets out a shared understanding of the causes, risk factors and scale of the problem, and highlights that violence against women and girls is underpinned by gender inequality. Prevention necessitates tackling perpetrators and intervening early. The strategy reflects the particular experiences of children and young people who may be subject to gendered violence and recognises children as victims of domestic abuse and coercive control, irrespective of their gender.
Violence Against Women Partnerships (VAW Partnerships) are the multi-agency mechanism delivering on the strategy at a local level. The Scottish Government and COSLA's expectation is that every local authority should have a VAW Partnership with a strategic plan and designated co‑ordinator for collaboration between public sector and Third Sector organisations (Violence Against Women Partnership Guidance).