Community justice partnerships
A new model for community justice came into effect on 1 April 2017. As part of this, a new national agency, Community Justice Scotland, was established to provide assurance to Scottish Ministers on the collective achievement of community justice outcomes across Scotland. At a local level, strategic planning and service delivery became the responsibility of local community justice partners. They are required to produce a local plan for community justice, known as a Community Justice Outcomes and Improvement Plan (CJOIP). Community justice partners, defined in the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (s13) are the Chief Constable of Police Scotland, health boards, Integration Joint Boards for Health and Social Care, local authorities, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Ministers (e.g. Scottish Prison Service), and Skills Development Scotland. The statutory partners are required to engage and involve the Third Sector in the planning, delivery and reporting of services and improved outcomes, and to report on progress against the CJOIP annually.