Effective records management policies include a well-structured file plan, standard file-naming conventions for electronic documents, and a clear retention policy about when to keep and delete documents. This will assist organisations with accountability and documentation obligations, including those relating to access to records.

Chronologies are also a form of data processing. They may be shared or jointly compiled between agencies and can have a formative influence on inter-agency child protection assessment and planning. Practitioners should be mindful about how information is recorded within chronologies to ensure information is proportionate and essential to assessment and planning processes. Chronologies should also be regularly reviewed to ensure the information contained is still relevant for the child or young person.

Access to records. The right of access (known as subject access) is a fundamental right under data protection law. It allows individuals to find out what personal data is held about them and to obtain a copy of that data. The Information Commissioner has developed guidance (Right of access | ICO) about the rights that individuals have to access their personal data and the obligations on data controllers.