Unless an immediate response to a child’s safety is necessary, police will share well-being concerns resulting from contact with families with children as soon as practically possible. This takes the form of electronically generated information using the Child Concern Form.

Information is routed through a single Named Person Service mailbox, into which Police Scotland send relevant well-being concerns about children and young people resident in Highland. This mailbox is only used for information generated by Police Scotland about children in Highland.

On each weekday morning Police Scotland send a summary report listing all children for whom a Child Concern form is to follow. The subsequent detailed information is then forwarded to the Named Person or their supervisor by the by Highland Council administration staff.  The information will also be recorded directly into the CareFirst record of a child who has a social worker Lead Professional or who has current social work assessment. Authorised staff members in practice leadership roles in each area have an overview of the Named Person Service mailbox in order to support assessment and collaboration and provide relevant cover in the absence of a Named Person.