- are needs, strengths and risks for the child central within this assessment?
- have the child’s feelings, thoughts and experience been taken into account, as far as can be ascertained at their age and stage?
- has there been a full assessment of the impact of structural factors, including poverty, as guided by ‘My Wider World’ and has consideration been given to referral for specialist income maximisation support?
- can children and adults involved understand assessment and reporting processes? how do we support understanding and participation, taking account of the emotional stage, language and culture of children and adults involved?
- are motivations, views and understanding of parents/carers represented?
- are expected steps to change represented?
- are barriers to change explored and addressed?
- has consideration been given to safe and effective involvement of the wider family?
- has consideration been given to the child’s present and future needs for relationship with those who are important to the child, including siblings?
- are resilience factors identified and promoted within recommended plans? have specialist aspects of assessment and support been considered and integrated when necessary?
- have the comparative advantages of legal options been considered?
- for what reasons may formal/compulsory measures be needed?
- is the assessment and planning co-ordinated as far as is appropriate, by a lead professional?
- does the assessment and plan reflect co-operation around child and family within all relevant child and adult services?
- are contingency plans as clear as possible at this stage?
Child protection assessment and planning

The CPPM is a formal multi-disciplinary meeting, which must include representation from the core agencies (social work, health and police) as well as any other agencies currently working with the child and their family, including education. The child and relevant family members should be invited and supported to participate, as appropriate in each situation. Where they are unable to participate in person their views must be sought and represented at the meeting. Where possible, participants should be given a minimum of five days’ notice of the decision to convene a CPPM.
The purpose of the meeting is to ensure relevant information is shared (where it is proportionate to do so), to carry out a collective assessment of risk, and to agree a plan to minimise risk of harm to the child. The CPPM must decide whether the child is at risk of significant harm and requires a co-ordinated, multi-disciplinary Child Protection Plan.
Where a Child Protection Plan is required, the child’s name must be added to the child protection register. In addition, CPPMs must consider whether a referral to the Principal Reporter is/is not required if this has not already been done. Where the CPPM has identified immediate risk of significant harm to the child, action should be taken without delay, has using emergency measures. Any decision to refer to the Principal Reporter should be actioned straight away. A referral to the Principal Reporter should include relevant and proportionate information, including the reasons for the referral, and where possible including the child’s plan and a full assessment of risk and need.
Prior to the CPPM, agencies will have been working to an Interim Safety Plan since the point of IRD. The CPPM should review this plan and develop a Child Protection Plan.
Consideration should be given to immediate and short-term risks as well as longer term risks to the child. For the avoidance of drift and uncertainty of purpose, it is recommended that the Plan’s objectives be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant Timebound, Evaluated and Re-evaluated (SMARTER). Interventions should be proportionate and linked to intended outcomes in ways understood by all involved, especially children and parents.
The Child Protection Plan must:
- be developed in collaboration and consultation with the child and their family
- link actions to intended reduction or elimination of risk
- be current and consider the child’s short-, medium- and long-term outcomes
- clearly state who is responsible for each action
- include a named lead professional
- include named key contributors (the Core Group)
- include detailed contingencies
- consider the sensitive direct involvement of children and/or their views
The Core Group are those who have direct and on-going involvement with the child and/or family. They are responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing the Child Protection Plan, in partnership with children and parents. The Core Group should:
- be co-ordinated by the lead professional
- meet in person on a regular basis to carry out their functions, the first time being within 14 calendar days of the CPPM
- keep effective communication between all services and agencies involved with the child and parents/carers
- activate contingency plans promptly when progress is not made, or circumstances deteriorate
- refer the need for any significant changes in the Child Protection Plan to the Practice Lead/Children's Service Manager within 3 calendar days, or as urgently as necessary to safeguard the child
- be alert, individually and collectively, to escalating concerns, triggering immediate response, additional support and/or a review CPPM as appropriate