Without delay, following consultation with line manager/child protection lead where this applies.
Timescales for stages in child protection processes

Variations in timescales in specific situations may be approved if the alternative ensures the safety and best interests of the child/children involved. In these cases, advice and agreement should be sought from line managers and reasons for alternative timescales recorded.
As soon as reasonably practical. Outwith core hours, the IRD may focus on immediate protective actions. A more comprehensive IRD will continue as soon as practical. This should normally be on the next working day.
5 calendar days (wherever possible). In every situation families should be given support to understand processes and to participate.
If a child protection investigation has been progressed a CPPM will follow within 28 calendar days unless there is an IRD decision that this is not required.
- The Lead Professional must make contact with the Quality Assurance & Review Team to request a date/time for an Initial CPPM.
- A date/time will be agreed between the QARO, Lead Professional and Administrator/Senior Clerical, within 14 calendar days of the decision to convene the meeting.
- The Lead Professional must then complete the CPPM Assessment on CareFirst and reassign it to REV1 no later than 7 calendar days before the agreed CPPM date.
- The Administrator/Senior Clerical from the Quality Assurance and Reviewing Team will book a room for the meeting to take place where required.
- The Administrator/Senior Clerical from the Quality Assurance and Reviewing Team will send written notification of the meeting to all participants. This includes the family and where appropriate young person.
- In the event the meeting is being held virtually the Administrator/Senior Clerical from the Quality Assurance and Reviewing Team will set up the meeting through MS Teams and invite those who need to participate. This will be done at least 2 days before the meeting is due to be held.
- In every situation the Lead Professional should ensure the family are given support to understand the processes and enable them to effectively participate.
- The Lead Professional must ensure that the chairperson and family have access to the Child Protection Plan no later than 2 calendar days before an Initial Child Protection Plan Meeting.
- The Lead Professional must ensure that the chairperson and family have access to the Child Protection Plan no later than 7 calendar days prior to a review Child Protection Plan Meeting.
- A transfer-in CPPM should be held within a maximum of 21 calendar days.
- If a CPPM cannot be held within the required timeframe, the Family Team must seek approval from their CSM.
- The partners to a Child’s Plan have a professional/agency responsibility to share all necessary information with the Lead Professional for the preparation of an inter-agency plan. This includes Unborn children so there is proportionate planning in advance of the child's birth.
Every pre-birth CPPM should take place no later than at 28 weeks pregnancy or, in the case of late notification of pregnancy, as soon as possible from the concern being raised. This must always be within 21 calendar days of the concern being raised.
Within 10 working days.
Within 5 working days.
Within 14 calendar days.
As urgently as necessary and always within 3 calendar days of the change/concern being identified.
Within 3 months of an initial CPPM but there should be latitude for professional judgement about the most appropriate timing post-birth. Within 6 months of the initial CPPM and thereafter 6 monthly or earlier if circumstances change significantly.
At any stage when a compulsory supervision order appears necessary. Single agencies and individuals can also refer.
- The QARO and Administrator/Senior Clerical will ensure that the young person, family and relevant professionals receive the decision letter informing of the outcome of the meeting and the agreed Child Protection Plan within 5 working days.
- The QARO and Administrator/Senior Clerical will ensure that a copy of the DRAFT written minute is issued to all participants at the CPPM within 10 working days or 14 calendar days.
- Should a participant at the CPPM dispute information recorded in the DRAFT minute they have 5 working days or 7 calendar days from when the DRAFT minute was issued to request a change.
- The FINAL minute will be issued 10 working days, or 14 calendar days after the DRAFT minute was first issued with any agreed changes.
- The FINAL minute will not be changed. Any later disputes will be addressed through the Core Group and recorded on CareFirst. If registration was continued any disputes can be discussed/ commented about at the next review and included within that CPPM written minute.
To ensure children and families with child protection plans are supported effectively, Social Work must see the child weekly (minimum).