There must be a sufficient number of multi-agency professionals contributing to the information sharing and analysis to enable safe decisions and effective planning. Minimum participation would be expected from children’s social work, police (as relevant), health, education and early learning and childcare, with prepared parental involvement.

Where a CPPM is inquorate it should not ordinarily proceed, and in such circumstances the Chair must ensure that either:

  • an existing interim safety plan is produced, or
  • the existing plan is reviewed with the professionals and the family members that do attend, so as to safeguard the welfare of the child or children
  • another early CPPM date must be set immediately to be held within 10 working days

In exceptional circumstances, the Chair may decide to proceed despite lack of agency  representation. This would be relevant where a child has not had relevant contact with all key agencies (e.g. pre-birth CPPM), or sufficient information is available, and a delay is likely to be harmful to the child. Where an inquorate CPPM is held the child protection Chair must ensure that the reasons for proceeding with the CPPM, and any arrangements to safeguard the child in the meantime, are noted in the CPPM record. An  early review CPPM should be arranged immediately. Two consecutive inquorate CPPMs  must not be held. Inquorate CPPMs cannot remove a Child Protection Plan.