Provision of reports
Minutes and the Child’s Plan should be produced to ensure that relevant, accurate and sufficient information is effectively shared with CPPM participants, where it is proportionate to do so, in order to support good decision-making.
It is recommended that from single-agency reports, an integrated Plan should be produced by the lead professional, in advance of CPPMs. Sometimes this is not possible, for example due to last minute provision of single-agency information to the lead professional. The aim is always to achieve a shared understanding between families and professionals about inter-agency plans arising from CPPMs.
The Plan should include all relevant information and a chronology should be developed by the lead professional. They should also include information pertaining to significant adults in the child’s life, and provide a clear overview of the risks, vulnerabilities and protective factors, as well as the child’s views. Other children in the household or extended family should also be considered.
Invitees have a responsibility to share the content of any documents with the child and family in an accessible, comprehensible way. Prior to a CPPM, consideration needs to be given as to the most appropriate means of sharing information with the child and family, and to when it should be done.
It is recognised that a full comprehensive risk assessment may not be achievable within the timescales of the first CPPM, or the first Core Group. Therefore, it should be recognised that the early Child Protection Plan may need to be provisional until a fuller assessment can be undertaken.