Decision support tools combine validated evidence and guidance with information about the individual person, to deliver reliable recommendations for action at key points in day-to-day activities and working processes. 

NHSGGC will work with the National Decision Support Programme delivered by the Digital Health and Social Care Institute on behalf of the Scottish Government, along with other boards across NHS Scotland in a “once for Scotland” approach. 


The content of the Decision Support systems will be created collaboratively with NHS content experts, partners and public, putting the end-user at the centre of the design and development process. 

Infographic showing links between patient app user, healthcare professional app user, healthcare professional ERP user, patient or healthcare professional website user and the system architecture
The Future of the Right Decision Service - provided by Tactuum – technical partners for the Right Decision Service


  • Implement the Once for Scotland Approach for decision support content e.g. reduce timescales for the creation, automation for the upkeep of content 
  • Transform content into robust interactive material 
  • Integrate into clinical systems and daily working life 
  • Share across NHS Scotland to reduce duplication and maximise reuse 

These aims will be supported by building better tools, capacity and expertise. 

Strategic goals

In line with the National Decision Support Programme NHSGGC priorities are: 

  • Realise the aims of the national frameworks for Remobilisation, Rehabilitation and Clinical Prioritisation, to restore and renew services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic 
  • Address workforce challenges around demand/capacity management by providing tools that reduce decision density for practitioners, making their jobs easier and less stressful 
  • Support the Realistic Medicine goals of reducing unwarranted variation, harm and waste, and embedding shared decision making 
  • Achieve a whole-system approach to decision support across all stages of the health and social care continuum 
  • Develop an App catalogue and supporting process for the development and/or adoption of Apps within clinical services. 
Infographic showing API and algorithm builder tools feeding into RDS repository with outputs to Once for Scotland mega-apps for professionals and patients. API links to RDS and to embed in patient record systems.
The Right Decision Service & Patient Record Systems - provided by Dr Ann Wales, Director of the Right Decision Service.