Indications for total cholesterol and HDL-C measurement include:
Assessment of CVR using ASSIGN / QRISK in individuals who are not already considered high-risk*. SIGN-149 recommends CVR assessment at least every 5 years for all:
- adults ≥40 years
- adults with a 1st-degree relative who has premature atherosclerotic CV disease, or familial dyslipidaemia
Screening for suspected familial dyslipidaemia
Assessment of the efficacy of a lipid-lowering intervention (usually lifestyle change and/or statin therapy). SIGN-149 recommends baseline and follow-up lipid measurements for individuals starting a statin.
A non-fasting combination of total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglycerides will usually be adequate for the assessment of CVR, or when assessing the efficacy of a lipid-lowering intervention. Where triglycerides exceed 4.5 mmol/L, a repeat fasting measurement is recommended.
LDL cholesterol is usually calculated, and this requires the measurement of total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglycerides. LDL-C is best requested on a fasting sample. Measurement is indicated for suspected Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, or when assessing eligibility for PCSK9 inhibitor therapy.
*Individuals at high risk of CVD:
- established cardiovascular disease
- stage 3 or higher chronic kidney disease, or micro- or macroalbuminuria
- familial hypercholesterolaemia
- diabetes over the age of 40 years
- diabetes under the age of 40 years with: a long duration of diabetes (20 years); or – micro- or macroalbuminuria; or – proliferative retinopathy or autonomic neuropathy