- All patients should be assessed and scored by GP using the ‘C’ component of CEAP classification.
- Patients must score at least C3 on CEAP scoring to be suitable for referral.
- If a patient has C3 disease or above on CEAP with minor varicose veins, other causes of ankle oedema should be excluded before it is attributed to varicose veins.
- Where no other cause of oedema is found, the patient should be referred to the specialist vascular services for assessment.
- If the patient is below the threshold for referral to specialist services, then symptomatic management along with reassurance should be undertaken by the GP.
- Measure for compression stockings cll2 if ABPI normal/ foot warm with palpable pulses.
- Patients with bleeding varicose veins and those with superficial venous thrombophlebitis should be referred to vascular services.