Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device LNG-IUD

What’s new

Users of the any 52mg LNG-IUD can be advised that the device can be used as contraception for 8 years if the user is under 45 years old at the time of insertion. 


This guideline is in keeping with the FSRH Clinical Guideline: Intrauterine contraception (March 2023)]. https://www.fsrh.org/documents/ceuguidanceintrauterinecontraception/

The terminology used throughout has been updated to align with that used by other international organisations, and LNG devices are now referred to as LNG-IUDs.

This guideline does not cover immediate post partum IUC provision.

Information on the following has been updated

  • Efficacy 
  • Duration of use
  • Suitability of intrauterine contraception in specific populations
  • Health risks
  • Starting LNG-IUD contraception or switching from another hormonal contraceptive method


IUC intrauterine contraception

IUD intrauterine device

LNG-IUD levonorgestrel intrauterine device

UKMEC United Kingdom Medical Eligibility Criteria

Other abbreviations have been defined within the body of the document.

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