Infant mental health (Wee Minds Matter)


Referral criteria

The Infant Mental Health Service (Wee Minds Matter) offers direct input to parents/ carers and their infants who are presenting with emotional, behavioural or social difficulties related to the parent/carer – infant relationship.

The service accepts referrals for infants from birth to their third birthday.

The service offers consultation, training, joint working, individual and group work.


See also Perinatal mental health page

Additional information

Referrals for core child psychology service may be assessed by CAMHS in first instance.  We will inform referrers and families if this is the case.

Refer via SCI Gateway...Mountainhall...Clinical Psychology...Psychology and choose Infant Mental Health option.

Should any referrer wish to speak to a member of staff in relation to a referral please contact 01387 244495 or email:


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 04/04/2023

Next review date: 04/04/2025

Author(s): Fionnuala Edgar.