- Pain, numbness, burning or tingling in median nerve distribution of hand - thumb, index and middle fingers and half of the ring finger.
- Symptoms often worse at night/first thing in morning
- May have difficulty holding / dropping objects
- Feeling of hand weakness, reduced sensation and reduced grip strength
- Positive on provocative testing i.e. Tinels, Durkans, Phalens median distribution, little finger usually spared
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What's new / Latest updates
Minor changes to resources/leaflets
- Vary activities during the day, minimising tasks that require repeated squeezing, gripping, wringing, etc.
- Alternate activities between heavier and lighter activities to reduce any strain.
- Avoid prolonged wrist flexion/extension for any period of time.
- Hanging arm out of bed or shaking the hand, when they are numb or tingling may help
- If overweight, losing some weight may help
- Symptoms can settle within a year or so in 1 in 4 cases. So, not treating is an option, particularly if symptoms are mild or if pregnant or under 30 years old
- Confirm diagnosis of CTS through clinical history, provocative testing. Rule out neck related issues
- Provide patient with the below, and emphasize importance of trying a night splint (info on splints in the below hyperlink):
- Direct Patient to NHS Inform Website for further info - https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/muscle-bone-and-joints/conditions/carpal-tunnel-syndrome
- Moderate/Severe symptoms including thenar muscle wasting
- Symptoms involving ulnar nerve; nerve conduction tests may be required
- If symptoms persist following 6-8 weeks of self management
Refer via SCI Gateway to Occupational Therapy Hand Clinic and include following in referral:
- Duration of: self management - ? tried splint for 6 weeks or more
- Precipitating factors i.e. injury/trauma, Occupation
- Provocative testing (Tinel’s Durkan’s, Phalen’s) results , median distribution or not,
- Night-time symptoms
- Hand dominance , activity related symptoms