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Right Decision Service newsletter: September 2024

Welcome to the Right Decision Service (RDS) newsletter for September 2024.

1.Business case for permanent provision of the Right Decision Service from April 2025 onwards

This business case has now been endorsed by the HIS Board and will shortly be submitted to Scottish Government.

2. Management of RDS support tickets

To balance increasing demand with available capacity and financial resource, the RDS team and Tactuum are now working together to  implement closer management of support tickets. As a key part of this, we want to ensure clear, timely and consistent communication with yourselves as requesters.  

Editors will now start seeing new messages come through in response to support ticket requests which reflect this tightening up and improvement of our processes.

Key points to note are:

2.1 Issues confirmed by the RDS and Tactuum teams as meeting the critical/urgent and high priority criteria will continue to be prioritised and dealt with immediately.

Critical/urgent issues are defined as:

  1. The Service as a whole is not operational for multiple users. OR
  2. Multiple core functions of the Service are not operational for multiple users.

Example – RDS website outage.

Please remember to email and with any critical/urgent issues in addition to raising a support ticket.

High priority issues are defined as:

  1. A single core function of the Service is not operational for multiple users. OR:
  2. Multiple non-core functions of the Service are not operational for multiple users.

Example – Build to app not working.

2.2 Support requests that are outwith the warranty period of 12 weeks since the software was originally developed will not be automatically addressed by Tactuum. The RDS team will consider these requests for costed development work and will obtain estimate of effort and cost from Tactuum for priority issues.

2.3 Support tickets for technical issues that are not classified as bugs will not be automatically addressed by Tactuum. The definition of a bug is ‘a defect in the software that is at variance with documented user requirements.’  Issues that are not bugs will also be considered for costed development work.

The majority of issues currently in support tickets fall into category 2 or 3 above, or both.

2.4 Non-urgent requests that require a deployment (i.e a new release of RDS) will normally be factored into the next scheduled release (currently end of Nov 2024 and end of Feb 2025) unless by special agreement with the RDS team.

Please note that we plan to move in the new year to a new system whereby requests all come to an RDS support portal in the first instance and are triaged from there to Tactuum when appropriate.

We will be organising a webinar in a few weeks’ time to take you through the details of the current support processes and criteria.

3. Next scheduled deployment.

The next scheduled RDS deployment will take place at the end of November 2024.  We are reviewing all outstanding support tickets and feature requests along with estimates of effort and cost to determine which items will be included in this deployment.

We will update you on this in the next newsletter and in the planned webinar about support ticket processes.

4. Contingency arrangements for RDS

Many thanks to those of you who attended our recent webinar on the contingency arrangements being put in place to prevent future RDS outages as far as possible and minimise impact if they do occur.  Please contact if you would like a copy of the slides from this session.

5. Transfer of CKP pathways to RDS

The NES clinical knowledge pathway (CKP) publisher is now retired and the majority of pathways supported by this tool have been transferred to the RDS. Examples include:

NHS Lothian musculoskeletal pathways

NHS Fife rehabilitation musculoskeletal pathways

NHS Tayside paediatric pathways

6. Other new RDS toolkits


Focus on frailty (from HIS Frailty improvement programme)

NHS GGC Money advice and support

If you would like to promote one of your new toolkits through this newsletter, please contact

To go live imminently:

  • Focus on dementia
  • NHS Lothian infectious diseases toolkit
  • Dumfries and Galloway Adult Support and Protection procedures
  • SIGN guideline – Prevention and remission of type 2 diabetes


7. Evaluation projects

We have recently analysed the results of a survey of users of the Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines toolkit.  Key findings from 61 respondents include:

  • Most respondents (64%) are frequent users of the toolkit, using it either daily or weekly. A further 25% use it once or twice per month.
  • 5% of respondents use the toolkit to deliver direct patient care and 82% use it for learning
  • Impact on practice and decision-making was rated as very high, with 80% of respondents rating these at a 4-5 on a 5 point scale.
  • Impact on time saving was also high, with 74% of respondents rating it from 3-5.
  • 74% also reported that the toolkit improved their knowledge and skills, rating these at 4-5 on the Likert scale

Key strengths identified included:

  • The information is useful, succinct, and easy to understand (31%).
  • Coverage is comprehensive (15%)
  • All information is readily accessible in one place and users value the offline access via mobile app (15%)
  • Information is reliable, evidence-based and up to date (13%)

Users highlighted key areas for improvement in terms of navigation and search functionality. The survey was very valuable in enabling us to uncover the specific issues affecting the user experience. Many of these can be addressed through content management approaches. The issues identified with search results echo other user feedback, and we are costing improvements with a view to implementation in the next RDS deployment.

8.RDS High risk prescribing (polypharmacy) decision support embedded in Vision and EMIS primary care E H R systems

This decision support software, sponsored by Scottish Government Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division,  is now available for all primary care clinicians across NHS Tayside. Board-wide implementation is also planned for NHS Lothian, and NHS GGC, NHS Ayrshire and Arran and NHS Dumfries and Galloway have initial pilots in progress. The University of Dundee has been commissioned to evaluate impact of this decision support software on prescribing practice.

9. Video tutorials for RDS editors

Ten bite-size (5 mins or less) video tutorials for RDS editors are now available in the “Resources for providers of RDS tools” section of the RDS.  These cover core functionality including Save and preview, content page and media management, password management and much more.

10. Training sessions for new editors (also serve as refresher sessions for existing editors) will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 23rd October 4-5 pm
  • Tuesday 29th October 11 am -12 pm

To book a place, please contact, providing your name, organisation, job role, and level of experience with RDS editing (none, a little, moderate, extensive.)

If you have any questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact  

With kind regards


Right Decision Service team

Healthcare Improvement Scotland






Acne vulgaris: A common chronic inflammatory skin disorder affecting the pilosebaceous unit (i.e., the hair follicle and sebaceous gland) resulting in blockage of the follicle and immune mediated inflammation. Acne affects males and females of all races and ethnicities. All patients with acne should be offered clear information tailored to their needs and concerns. Consider referring to mental health services if a person with acne experiences significant psychological distress or mental health disorder.  

Not all treatment options may be listed in this guidance. Please refer to local formulary for a complete list.

Treatment/ therapy


*A universally accepted definition of acne severity does not exist. Overall severity is a clinical judgement based on multiple factors including previous treatment response, scarring and family history. Lesion counts are commonly used in research and the definitions provided are based on NICE 2021 guidelines purely as a guide. 

Mild - For mild to moderate acne, this includes people who have 1 or more of: any number of non-inflammatory lesions (comedones); up to 34 inflammatory lesions (with or without non-inflammatory lesions); up to 2 nodules. 

Self care- patients should be encouraged to use a non-alkaline synthetic cleansing product daily, avoid comedogenic products and avoid scratching or picking of lesions 

First line treatment options, taking into account severity and patient preference after a discussion of advantages and disadvantages: 

  • Fixed combination topical Adapalene with topical benzoyl peroxide (any acne severity) or; 
  • Fixed combination topical tretinoin with topical clindamycin (any acne severity) 
  • Fixed combination benzoyl peroxide with topical clindamycin (mild/moderate acne) 
  • Topical Azelaic acid (moderate to severe acne). 


Consider benzoyl peroxide monotherapy if above options contraindicated or patient wishes to avoid topical retinoids/antibiotics.  


Topical retinoids should not be prescribed in pregnant/breastfeeding women.  


*Please see key messages box below* 

Moderate - For mild to moderate acne, this includes people who have 1 or more of: any number of non-inflammatory lesions (comedones); up to 34 inflammatory lesions (with or without non-inflammatory lesions); up to 2 nodules.

Fixed combination topical benzoyl peroxide and topical adapalene OR topical azelaic acid twice daily in addition to an oral antibiotic for 12 weeks such as: 

  • Doxycycline 100mg OD   
  • Lymecycline (Tetralysal 300) 408mg OD 


If no improvement after 12 weeks then trial another antibiotic. If improvement noted after 12 weeks can continue for another 12 weeks but ideally not beyond a total of 6 months. Stop antibiotics as soon as possible.  


Tetracyclines can cause photosensitivity and are teratogenic. They should be avoided in children <12 years. Oral antibiotics may cause systemic side effects and antimicrobial resistance.  


Erythromycin or trimethoprim (unlicensed) can be considered if contraindications/ intolerance to tetracyclines. 

Trimethoprim can cause serious but rare side effects including agranulocytosis and severe cutaneous adverse reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome. 


Macrolides are linked with high antimicrobial resistance and are not first line treatments. 


Hormonal Treatment Considerations: 


  • Progesterone only contraception may exacerbate acne. 
  • The type of progestin used in different combined contraceptive pills differ, as does their anti-androgenic action. For instance, levonorgestrel used in a number of commonly prescribed combined contraceptives has an increased androgenic potential compared with some other progestins. 
  • Ideally combined contraceptives should be used for females with acne who do also require a contraceptive. 
  • For women with polycystic ovary syndrome, treat as per first line management. If this is ineffective consider adding co-cyprindiol (Dianette®) or an alternative combined oral contraceptive.  
  • Those on co-cyprindiol should be reviewed at 6 months to assess need for continuation/other treatment options.  

Severe - For moderate to severe acne this includes people who have either or both of: 35 or more inflammatory lesions (with or without non-inflammatory lesions); 3 or more nodules

Treatment should be started in primary care as per moderate acne (combination oral antibiotics and topical treatment) whilst awaiting appointment with a consultant-led dermatology team for consideration of isotretinoin. 

Referral management


*A universally accepted definition of acne severity does not exist. Overall severity is a clinical judgement based on multiple factors including previous treatment response, scarring and family history. Lesion counts are commonly used in research and the definitions provided are based on NICE 2021 guidelines purely as a guide. 

Mild - For mild to moderate acne, this includes people who have 1 or more of: any number of non-inflammatory lesions (comedones); up to 34 inflammatory lesions (with or without non-inflammatory lesions); up to 2 nodules. 

Can generally be managed in primary care 

Moderate - For mild to moderate acne, this includes people who have 1 or more of: any number of non-inflammatory lesions (comedones); up to 34 inflammatory lesions (with or without non-inflammatory lesions); up to 2 nodules.

Manage in primary care. Consider referral to consultant-led community or secondary care service if: 

- Mild to moderate acne has not responded to 2 completed courses of treatment (topical and oral) antibiotics.  

- Moderate to severe acne which has not responded to previous treatments containing an oral antibiotic. 

Severe - For moderate to severe acne this includes people who have either or both of: 35 or more inflammatory lesions (with or without non-inflammatory lesions); 3 or more nodules

Refer to consultant-led community or secondary care dermatology service in cases of: 

- diagnostic uncertainty  

- acne conglobata 

- nodulocystic acne 

Urgent same day referral should be made for cases of acne fulminans 

Consider referral in those with any severity who have scarring or persistent pigmentary change 

Clinical tips

  • Topical Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) containing preparations can reduce resistant C. Acnes developing when used alongside topical/oral antibiotics 
  • BPO and topical retinoids cause skin irritation, so should be introduced slowly (low-strength, low-frequency) and should be used alongside hydrating products. Short contact application initially (e.g. application for 1 hour then wash off) can help build skin tolerance. 
  • Do not use systemic monotherapy with a topical antibiotic, monotherapy with an oral antibiotic or topical and oral antibiotics in combination 
  • Spironolactone is an unlicensed treatment for acne in female patients. Practice differs amongst dermatologists but this can be a useful option in some women in whom advice regarding suitability from a dermatologist-led team may be useful. 
  • Consider referral to mental health services if acne is considerably affecting mental wellbeing including those with current/past history of anxiety/self- harm/suicidal ideation/body dysmorphic disorder. 
  • For all patients, regardless of severity, consideration of underlying causes such as drugs/other disease processes should be made with onward referral to specialists such as endocrinologists if deemed necessary.  

ICD search categories


ICD11 code - ED80 

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 24/05/2023

Next review date: 24/05/2025

Author(s): Adapted from the BAD Referral Guidelines.

Version: BAD 1

Co-Author(s): Publisher: Centre for Sustainable Delivery, Scottish Dermatological Society .

Approved By: Scottish Dermatological Society