Rachael Bailie - Learning and Development Officer, North Lanarkshire
General enquires - childprotectcomm@northlan.gov.uk
Welcome to the Right Decision Service (RDS) newsletter for October 2024.
Development of the contingency solutions to maximise RDS resilience and minimise risk of future outages is in progress, aiming for completion by Christmas. As a reminder, these contingency arrangements are:
In the meantime, a gentle reminder to encourage users to download essential clinical toolkits to their mobile devices so that there is an offline version always available.
A new scheduled deployment with minor improvements drawn from support tickets, externally funded projects, information related to outages, and feature requests will take place in early December. Key improvements planned are:
We are also seeking approval to use the NHS Scotland logo and title for the RDS app on the app stores to help with audience engagement and clarity around the provenance of RDS.
We are still hopeful that user acceptance testing for at least the Search and browse enhancements can take place before Christmas. Thank you for your patience and understanding in waiting for these improvements. Timescales have been pushed back by old app migration challenges, work to address outages, and most recently implementing the contingency arrangements.
We are aware that there continue to be some issues around a number of RDS support tickets, in part due to constraints around visibility for the RDS team of the tickets in the existing support portal. We are investigating the potential to move to a new support ticket requesting system from early in the new year. We will organise the proposed webinar around support ticket processes once we have confirmed the way forward with the system.
There is a known issue with alterations in formatting of some RDS tables which seems to have arisen as a result of the 17 October deployment. Tactuum is working on a fix and on implementing additional regression testing to prevent this issue recurring.
Recently launched toolkits include:
NHS Lothian Infectious Diseases
Scottish Health Technologies Group – Technology Assessment recommendations
NHS Tayside Anaesthetics and Critical Care projects – an innovative toolkit which uses PowerAutomate to manage review and response to proposals for improvement projects.
If you would like to promote one of your new toolkits through this newsletter, please contact ann.wales3@nhs.scot
A number of toolkits are expected to go live before Christmas, including:
We have had a good response to the recent invitation to sign up to the new Teams channel for RDS editors. This provides a forum for editors to share learning, ideas and questions and we hope to hold regular webinars on topics of interest. The RDS team is in the process of joining participants to the channel and we’d encourage all editors to take part, using the registration form – available in Providers section of the RDS Learning and Support area.
The RDS team has worked with colleagues in NHS Grampian and the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre to evaluate the impact of the Prevent the progress of diabetes web and mobile app in a small-scale pilot project. This app provides access to local and national resources and services targeted at people with prediabetes, a history of gestational diabetes, or candidates for remission. After just 8 weeks of using the app, 94% of patients reported increased their knowledge and understanding of diabetes, and 88% said it had increased their confidence and motivation to make lifestyle changes, highlighting specific behaviour changes. The learning from this project is informing development of a service model based on tailored support for patient groups with, high, medium and low digital self-efficacy.
Please contact ann.wales3@nhs.scot if you would like to know more about this project.
To book a place, please contact Olivia.graham@nhs.scot, providing your name, organisation, job role, and level of experience with RDS editing (none, a little, moderate, extensive.)
To invite colleagues to sign up to receive this newsletter, please signpost them to the registration form - also available in End-user and Provider sections of the RDS Learning and Support area. If you have any questions about the content of this newsletter, please contact his.decisionsupport@nhs.scot If you would prefer not to receive future newsletters, please email Olivia.graham@nhs.scot and ask to be removed from the circulation list.
With kind regards
Right Decision Service team
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
The Right Decision Service: the national decision support platform for Scotland’s health and care
Website: https://rightdecisions.scot.nhs.uk Mobile app download: Apple Android
Rachael Bailie - Learning and Development Officer, North Lanarkshire
General enquires - childprotectcomm@northlan.gov.uk
Content has been checked for accessibility in accordance with the RDS standard operating procedure.
Content has been reviewed and approved in line with the North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee governance process in September 2023.
The content will be reviewed a year from the time of publication, with September 2025 being the due date of the next review.
Unscheduled content changes will go through the North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee as required.
The content has been reviewed and signed off by Nicola McGrath, the Child Protection Coordinator for North Lanarkshire.
Copyright compliance for content has been checked and confirmed.
The content of this toolkit is owned by North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, and any Scottish Government Guidance included is covered by the OpenGov Licence.
All icons are from Flaticon.com, accessed through the licence held Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.
The content for this toolkit has been developed using the national guidance on child protection from the Scottish Government.
The North Lanarkshire Child Protection Procedures content and this RDS toolkit have been signed off by the Child Protection Committee as of September 2023. It will be updated when national updates become available.
The North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee will oversee the the ongoing development and sign off of the app.
There is an embedded feedback form in the app which can be used for any user feedback or complaints. Completed feedback forms will go to the key contact for the toolkit for review. The Child Protection Team will follow up on any feedback received, and will escalate complaints or feedback to the North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee as appropriate.
The email for any general app enquiries is available in the "Key contacts" section above.
Any messages received through the generic RDS Feedback form will also be forwarded to the key contact email address who will address the feedback as above.
If the app requires significant amendments, it will be referred to North Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee for consideration.
The app has been risk assessed, and mitigations put in place where required.
The toolkit has been user-tested and feedback has been provided by the Workforce Learning and Development Group within North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership.
ADP - Alcohol and Drug Partnerships
BTP - British Transport Police
CICA - Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
CME- Children Missing from Education
CPC - Child Protection Coordinator
CPO - Child Protection Order
COPFS - Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
CPPM - Child Protection Planning Meetings
CSA - Child Sexual abuse
CSE - Child sexual exploitation
EYMAS - Early Years Multi-Agency Support
FGM - Female genital mutilation
FMS - Forensic Medical Service
GIRFEC - Getting it right for every child
HBA - Honour-based abuse
HSCP - Health and Social Care Partnership
ICO - Information Commissioner's Office
iVPD - interim Vulnerable Persons Database
IRD - Inter-agency Referral Discussion
JII - Joint Investigative Interview
JPFE - Joint Paediatric Forensic Examination
MAPPA - Multi Agency Public Protection Agency
NES - NHS Education for Scotland
NHS - National Health Service
NoC - Making a Notification of concern
PF - Procurator fiscal
PPU - Public Protection unit
UNCRC - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
SCIM - Scottish Child Interview Model
SCRA - Scottish Children's Reporter Administration
SFRS - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound
SPS - Scottish Prison Service (SPS)
VAW Partnerships - Violence Against Women Partnerships