
Antimicrobial Recommendations

Fluconazole 150mg orally as a single dose


Clotrimazole 500mg intravaginally pessary as a single dose at night. 

If there are vulval symptoms consider use of topical clotrimazole 1% or 2% cream applied 2-3 times a day in addition to an oral or intravaginal antifungal

In pregnancy and breast feeding: See Vaginal candidiasis in pregnancy


  • Recurrent or resistant infection will require specialist urogenital input.  e.g. Chalmers Centre. Note recurrent or persistent symptoms may indicate that the cause of symptomsis not candidiasis (i.e. Candida may be an incidental finding)
  • Intravaginal and topical clotrimazole may have a damaging effect on latex condoms and diaphragms.
  • External creams need to be applied for seven days after symptoms have cleared. 

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/06/2023

Next review date: 01/06/2026