
Severity assessment

CURB65 score is calculated by giving 1 point for each of the following prognostic features:

  • Confusion: abbreviated Mental Test score 8 or less, or new disorientation in person, place or time
  • Urea: >7 mmol/L
  • Respiratory rate: 30 breaths per minute or more
  • Blood pressure: diastolic 60 mmHg or less, or systolic less than 90 mmHg
  • 65 years of age or more

CURB65 0-1, low severity pneumonia

Required investigations

  • CXR
  • Viral throat swab if being admitted (swab throat and nose at same time with single swab, send in viral transport medium); TRAK as 'Resp Virus Screen
  • Sputum for culture; TRAK as 'C&S-Respiratory (Routine Bacteriology)'
  • HIV screen

Antibiotic Recommendation

Recommended total duration: 5 days

Recommended Antibiotic Amoxicillin 500mg every 8 hours orally
Penicillin allergy Doxycycline 200mg on first day, then 100mg daily for 4 days orally

CURB65 2, moderate severity pneumonia

Required investigations

  • CXR
  • Blood cultures
  • Viral throat swab if being admitted (swab throat and nose at same time with single swab, send in viral transport medium); TRAK as 'Resp Virus Screen
  • Sputum for culture; TRAK as 'C&S-Respiratory (Routine Bacteriology)'
  • HIV screen

Antibiotic recommendation

Recommended total duration: 5 days (total duration = IV + oral)

Recommended Antibiotic

Amoxicillin 500mg - 1g every 8 hours orally

If oral route unavailable: Amoxicillin 1g every 8 hours IV

If atypical pathogens suspected see atypical pneumonias

Penicillin allergy

Doxycycline 200mg on first day and then 100mg daily orally

If oral route unavailable: Clarithromycin 500mg every 12 hours  IV (risk of phlebitis)


CURB65 3-5, high severity pneumonia

See separate guidance for severe pneumonia in the frail elderly to avoid harms of 4C antibiotics.

Required investigations

  • CXR
  • Blood cultures
  • Viral throat swab if being admitted (swab throat and nose at same time with single swab, send in viral transport medium); TRAK as 'Resp Virus Screen'
  • Sputum for culture; TRAK as 'C&S-Respiratory (Routine Bacteriology)'
  • Sputum for atypicals; TRAK as 'Respiratory Sputum (Inc Atypicals)
    • Do not routinely send urine for Legionella urinary antigen. If patient unable to produce sputum, send urine for Legionella antigen (Document on request form “CAP CURB 3-5/severe, unable to produce sputum”) TRAK as 'Legionella Urinary Ag Profile'
  • HIV screen

Antibiotic Recommendation

Recommended total duration: 5 days (total duration = IV + oral)

Recommended Antibiotic

Co-amoxiclav 1.2g every 8 hours IV


Clarithromycin 500mg every 12 hours orally (IV only if oral route unavailable).

Risk of phlebitis with IV Clarithromycin.  Oral formulation has excellent pulmonary tissue penetration and is as effective as IV for chest infections.

Penicillin allergy

Vancomycin (use NHS Lothian Calculator located on AMT intranet page, choose trough levels 10-15 mg/L)


Ciprofloxacin 500mg every 12 hours orally (if oral route unavailable: 400mg every 12 hours IV)

Avoid fluoroquinolones if taking steroids and the elderly.

Review MHRA Quinolone Warning before prescribing.


IV-to-ORAL switch

Co-amoxiclav 625mg every 8 hours orally

Consider need for ongoing atypical pneumonia cover see atypical pneumonia section below.

Penicillin allergy Doxycycline 200mg on first day and then 100mg daily orally



Stop antibiotic treatment after 5 days unless

  • microbiological results suggest a longer course is needed or
  • the patient is not clinically stable (fever in past 48 hours or more than 1 sign of clinical instability [systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, heart rate >100/minute, respiratory rate >24/minute, arterial oxygen saturation <90% or PaO2 <60 mmHg in room air]).

In all patients consider:

  • Repeat CXR in 6 weeks for all those with consolidation on CXR
  • Smoking cessation advice
  • Influenza/pneumococcal vaccination for those >65 years or with chronic illness.

Severe pneumonia in the frail elderly

This guidance avoids the use of co-amoxiclav and ciprofloxacin in frail elderly patients to reduce the risk of C.diff infection.

Severity: CURB65 3-5

Required investigations

  • CXR
  • Blood cultures
  • Viral throat swab if being admitted (swab throat and nose at same time with single swab, send in viral transport medium); TRAK as 'Resp Virus Screen
  • Sputum for culture; TRAK as 'C&S-Respiratory (Routine Bacteriology)'
  • Sputum for atypicals; TRAK as 'Respiratory Sputum (Inc Atypicals)
    • Do not routinely send urine for Legionella urinary antigen. If patient unable to produce sputum, send urine for Legionella antigen (Document on request form “CAP CURB 3-5/severe, unable to produce sputum”) TRAK as 'Legionella Urinary Ag Profile'

Consider HIV testing in line with national recommendations. 

Antibiotic Recommendation

Total duration: 5 days (total duration = IV + oral)

Recommended Antibiotic

Amoxicillin 1g every 8 hours IV


Gentamicin  IV (use NHS Lothian Calculator located on AMT intranet page)

Penicillin allergy

Vancomycin  IV (use NHS Lothian Calculator located on AMT intranet page)


Gentamicin IV (use NHS Lothian Calculator located on AMT intranet page)


IV-to-ORAL switch

IV-to-Oral switch Recommended Antibiotic Amoxicillin 1g every 8 hours orally
Penicillin allergy Doxycycline 200mg on first day and then 100mg daily orally



Atypical pneumonia

Clarithromycin,   Doxycycline,  Ciprofloxacin all cover atypical pneumonia organisms.

  • Moderate severity CAP - CURB 2 ADD Clarithromycin 500mg every 12 hours orally ONLY if patient has risk factors or clinical features of atypical pneumonia 
  • High severity CAP – CURB 3-5 atypical cover is embedded into the recommendations for high severity CAP - do not add additional antimicrobial (unless advised to by an infection specialist).

STOP Clarithromycin at 72 hours if atypical pathogen investigations are negative.

Atypical pneumonia risk factors Include:

  • Smokers
  • Returning travellers
  • Bird or animal exposure

Clinical features:

  • 7-10 day prodrome of upper respiratory tract symptoms prior to developing cough & fever
  • Non-respiratory features:
    • Diarrhoea
    • Abnormal LFTs
    • Low sodium
    • Rash (Mycoplasma pneumoniae is associated with erythema multiforme)
    • Neurological symptoms

Investigations only recommended in high severity CAP or where there is a high suspicion of atypical pneumonia. Required investigations for atypical pneumonias. 

  • Sputum for culture; TRAK as 'C&S-Respiratory (Routine Bacteriology)'
  • Sputum for atypicals; TRAK as 'Respiratory Sputum (Inc Atypicals)
    • Do not routinely send urine for Legionella urinary antigen. If patient unable to produce sputum, send urine for Legionella antigen (Document on request form “CAP CURB 3-5/severe, unable to produce sputum”); TRAK as 'Legionella Urinary Ag Profile
  • Consider serum for Q fever if farm animal exposure risk; TRAK as 'Q fever serology'
  • In immunocompromised patients review Pneumonia in the immunocompromised (including PCP)

Consider HIV testing in line with national recommendations.


Atypical organisms:

    • Legionella pneumophila
    • Mycoplasma pneumoniae
    • Chlamydophila pneumoniae
    • Chlamydophila psittacci

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/06/2023

Next review date: 01/06/2026