Micro Organisms

Campylobacter spp.

Viruses incl Norovirus

E.Coli 0157 - Refer to Public Health Management of Infection with Verotoxigenic E.coli. (VTEC)

Shigella spp.

Salmonella spp. (not S.typhi or S.paratyphi)

Giardia spp.

First Line

Important: Therapy

Usually no antibiotic treatment is required

Send faecal samples and blood culture if pyrexial

Contact microbiology or paediatric ID for advice if severe illness. Severity markers include: presence of blood/mucous in stool, abdominal pain, tenesmus or risk factors for hypochlorhydria


Giardia Species

Important: Therapy

Metronidazole PO for 7 days


Send faecal samples for culture and microscopy for ova, cysts and parasites. Risk of recurrence high  therefore follow-up stool sample advised.