Pneumonia with recent or concurrent influenza
Important: Notes
Staph aureus is a more common respiratory pathogen in CAP or HAP if concurrent or recent influenza infection.
Amoxicillin doesn’t have activity against Staph aureus. Co-amoxiclav does have reasonable activity
Clinical deterioration of mild and non-severe CAP (i.e. CURB 0-2 without sepsis) despite empirical antibiotics – consider adding IV flucloxacillin 1g QDS (or Linezolid 600mg PO 12 hourly as per guidance if history of MRSA)
- Severe CAP (i.e. ≥CURB 3 or any CURB score with sepsis) – follow Severe CAP guideline as recommended antibiotics will have good Staph aureus activity (Add Linezolid 600mg PO 12 hourly if history of MRSA)