Physical activity resources


This page lists some national physical activity resources. They have been grouped in expandable lists for national and local resources. Click on the expandable list to see resource details or there is an option to open all. Each resource has a title, short description, and link to it that opens in a new browser window.

National physical activity resources

Keeping active in later life

This guide explains why physical activity is important, with ideas for getting started.

The life curve

This website is designed to help people be happier and healthier for longer. It has ideas for simple changes to routines and lifestyles for ageing well.

Up and about

This Public Health Scotland falls prevention resource has information on looking after your feet, checking your home for hazards, telling someone if you have fallen, managing your medication, keeping active, looking after your eyes and looking after your hearing. It also provides information on how to get up safely from a fall. 

Up and about (large print version)

This is the large print version of the Public Health Scotland falls prevention resource.

Local physical activity resources

DG doing more

This is a website for people living and working in Dumfries and Galloway. It has information and practical ways to enable and encourage people of Dumfries and Galloway to move a bit more as part of their everyday lives.

Active lives pathway

This is a section of the DG doing more website about the active lives pathway. It has information about the pathway and a section for professionals and participants. The active lives pathway is a referral programme that physically inactive adults in Dumfries and Galloway can be referred to.

Equipment for you

This is a section of the DG doing more website about equipment that can help improve independence and make daily living easier.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/11/2024

Next review date: 22/11/2026