Local social connection resources


This page lists some local social connection resources. They have been grouped in expandable lists by resource type. Click on the resource type to see resource details or there is an option to open all. Each resource has a title, short description, and link to it that opens in a new browser window.

Public leaflets and resources

A Local Information Service for Scotland (ALISS)

An online website that helps you to find services, groups and activities for health and wellbeing across Scotland.


DGLocator is a map of services operated by third sector organisations in Dumfries and Galloway. The map is driven by Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway’s (TSDG) database and entries can be changed quickly by any organisation on the map. The aim of DGLocator is to help promote the services provided by third sector organisations across the region by detailing them on a free to access website and mobile app.

Dumfries u3a

An educational and social group for people in their third age (no longer in full time employment) holding monthly meetings with talks given by a wide range of speakers.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/11/2024

Next review date: 22/11/2026